Calendar Activities 2025 – 2024 – 2023 – 2022 – 2021 – 2020 – 2019 – 2018 – 2017 – 2016 – 2015 – 2014 2025 A place of memory for the burried names Exile and Deportees Day 2025 Transmitting Holocaust Memories Through Comics 2024 Observing Memories 8 New Updates on Patrimonios Incómodos Website Exilio International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women Traumatic Memories and Uncomfortable Heritages Women’s Prisons of Barcelona Colonialism, Ecosocial Crisis, and Historical Justice Srebrenica Memorial Center: Pedagogy on Genocide Diversity of Memories and Citizens’ Participation Memory Roads: Rebuilding a Country as Punishment Childhoods and Women in Memories of War Touristic Uses of the Past Historical memory from an Iberian perspective “Memory Roads” Summer Camp Digital World, Images, and History: Memories in Tension “Una de cal” Theatre Book presentation: “10 Elections” Route to Exile 2024 History with Memory in Education Training in Dachau: Power of personal stories in confronting oblivion Woman, you a are fire that never goes go out Persons with disabilities, towards inclusion The Dream and Lie of Franco Memory and present of the far right in Italy and Spain Heritage Agora: Communicating Dissonance The militaristic thought. About the ‘just wars’ Ten Elections. A history of the European Parliament at the ballot box (1979-2024) Ventotene – Houjarray School on European Memories 2024 | Spring Sessions The Holocaust as a Starting Point Memorial March “La Retirada” Exploring our cities through civic and critical education | Barcelona Ressonant. Stage Creation Laboratory Ecocide and War Landscapes from the Republican Exile The archives of victims of political repression of the soviet regime: Memorial International Unveiling Collective Memory Through Literature Deported Women: Cultural Resistance in Nazi Camps History with Memory in Education 2023 Discovering what has been silenced: Teaching about the Italian participation in the Civil War and the experience of the bombings Memories of Capitalism The memories of European Sinti & Roma The democratic skylight. Conflicts and memories in intransitive Spain The time of memory and the time of history. The governance of traumatic pasts Critique of compassionate reason Pioneer Women of the European Union The value of the archives in victims’ reparation Conflict Heritage History, memory and didactics of Nazi concentration camps: the cases of Dachau and Mauthausen-Gusen Repairing the past Water! Pioneer Women of the European Union The role of Memorial & Human Rights Museums in the Promotion of Truth, Justice and Reparation for an Equitable Future Crisis of civilization and European unity. From the Ventotene project to transnational democracy Destierro (Banishment) Public History of the female prisons under the Franco regime Painful memory and citizenship Roundtable | Ten elections to the European Parliament I, Transvestite Route to exile 2023. Scars of the landspace Colonial violence and its legacies Brigadistes. The biggest solidarity event in history First International Conference on Conflict Heritage Webinar: The Experience of Women and Children in Wartime An unfinished place. Memory site, Women’s Prison Monument in Les Corts Urban art and LGBTIQ+ memories Ventotene-Houjarray School on European Memories Webinar: The Use of Video Testimonies in the Classroom 11th European Remembrance Symposium and 6th Taking Stock of European Memory Policies Pioneer Women of the European Union Making memories to build peace An unfinished place. Memory space, women’s prison monument in Les Corts The Holocaust as a starting point Monuments to remember. Trauma and commemorative practices in the public space Deportation and forced labor during the 3rd Reich from an Iberian perspective: a didactic approach Route to exile 2023. Scars of the landspace International Women’s Day 2023 The Future of the Past: Exploring the Diverse Challenges of World War II Memory in Europe Shelters. Citizens, memory and subsoil in Europe Exiles, memories and human rights Memory and Pedagogy Victòria, the irreductible. Victòria Pujolar Amat New Monument to the deportees of the Solsona County to the Nazi camps Urban art and the Holocaust The long road to European integration Observing Memories 2022 Taking Stock of European Memory Policies 2022 Recent memorial symbolic policies: between the local and the transnational Palm Trees in the Snow Discovering the silenced: the Italian participation in the Spanish Civil War Wilaya Taking Stock of European memory policies 2022 On Tyranny | Theatre play based on the text by Timothy Snyder Exiles and refugees in contemporary times: experiences and representations Exhibition | Wake up, Europe! Memory with history in education Sites of Memory and Tourism: Current Issues and Challenges Sarajevo, my love Song to a lady in the shadow | Filmoteca Repairing the past 2022 Mortu Nega Trieste – Thessaloniki Memory spaces as resources for a civic, critical and transformative education A century of Popular Anti-Fascist Struggles Current perspectives on memory | Balkan Wars Adriana’s Pact Song to a lady in the shadow | Filmin ICMEMO General Meeting 2022 Route to exile 2022 Civilizational Collapses. When dystopia leaves the screen Short movies session Current perspectives on memory | Maison d’Izieu Subaltern Memories. The LGBTI+ struggles in Europe Beyond Nuremberg. The global search for accountability La Calle del Água A century of Popular Anti-Fascist Struggles Exhibition | Route to Exile. A thousand footprints Route to exile 2022. The banished presents The Draft Manifesto and the road to European unification “Winnipeg” | In solidarity with Ukrainian refugees Barcelona and Sarajevo, 30 years of cooperation Proposal for the monument of the Battle of the Ebro in Tortosa Europe Day 2022 Song to a lady in the shadows Current perspectives on memory | Berlin Wall Foundation Online memories. A Twitter data analysis Youth and Memory Activism Urban art, memory and education You and Me: Barcelona Song to a lady in the shadow The Holocaust as a starting point Free Women | Dones lliures The lost letters. The incarceration and exile of Republican women Exilio – Augsburg The Russia-Ukraine relationship: a long-standing conflict When time stood still Winnipeg Integrated Approaches to Europe’s Dissonant Heritage The efficacy of memorialisation after terrorism Call for proposals European Remembrance Observing Memories 5 Holocaust Remembrance Day 2022 You and Me: Nicosia 2021 Ventotene 80 Via Laietana. Impunity or memory. Boleto de ida (One-way ticket) History, Memories and Political Cultures Taking stock of European memory policies 2021 Urban art and memory The Solsonés deportees to the Nazi camps Democratic Memory, Education and Culture of Peace History and fiction. Shifting memory in the narratives of the past Uncomfortable heritage and memories. What should be done? Exilio – Fall 2021 Integrated Approaches to Europe’s Dissonant Heritage Exile and childhood Remembrance in action: everyday challenges and recommendations for the future Music and Politics Conflicting Heritage. Museums and Colonial Legacy Online Memories. A Twitter data analysis You and Me: Sarajevo Women and Children in a Europe in War (1919-1949) Civilizational Collapses. When dystopia leaves the screen Youth and memory activism African American Redress Network: Spanish Case Current debates and challenges on genocide education through heritage: a triangular view The memory of the periphery: Ateneu 9 Barris Franco regime on trial through documentary cinema Signage of the perimeter of the Women’s prison of Les Corts Multiple Genealogies of European Memory and Cultural Heritage Women, (Un)Memories and Resistances Civil Dialogue Week 2021 Live Digital: Narratives of the Transition to Democracy in Spain Memorial needs and the victims of terrorism Online Memories. A Twitter data analysis Route to exile 2021. A thousand footprints The landmarks of our past in the shaping of our future. Lessons from Ventotene The Holocaust as a starting point Exilio – Madrid Women, (un)Memories and Exile Women, (un)Memories and Revolution Women and Children in a Europe in War (1914-1949) The stork of Burgos Humanitarian Aid to the Civilian Population in a Europe at War (1914-1949) Feminist memories. Rap and education Feminist memories. Lives, women, prison Gender, Violence and (Un)Memories Feminist memories. Women in a Europe in war Holocaust Remembrace Day 2021 2020 Observing Memories 4 Taking stock of European memory policies 2020 Colo(m)ialismes Rap for remembrance Memories of confinement Memories and cemeteries. Cartographs of Franco violence The Dayton Agreement. 25 years later Controversial memories and heritage. Uses and abuses of the recent past The Holocaust as a starting point (2020) Teach the Holocaust Masters and Slaves. Labor, rebellion and trade in transatlantic slavery Beyond the wall Study visit to the Balkans Winnipeg Exilio (In die Fremde) Third study visit to Bosnia and Herzegovina L’Atlàntida 70th anniversary of the Schuman Declaration Tribute to Maria Salvo Women, Resistance and (Un) Memories Cultural memory of the Spanish Civil War Francoism and education Tracing troubled pasts in Europe and making memories Barcelona, a shelter for the Jews Deconstructing Francoism (Santiago de Compostela) 2019 Observing Memories 3 Winnipeg, Neruda’s boat Past and present of a strike. From ‘La Canadenca’ to today All along the watchtower The world today. From historical Fascisms to postmodern reactionarism and new populisms The last way of Walter Benjamin Rethinking Francoist sites Women, art and colonial memory in Africa The idea of Europe, by George Steiner Anti-Semitism, new response to a never-ending challenge Taking Stock of European Memory Policies 2019 Women in the Republican exile of 1939 Taking stock on European memory policies 2019 Youth Exchange in Bosnia and Herzegovina Ten years of laws and politics of memory Cultural memory of the Spanish Civil War Deconstructing Francoism (Navarre) 80th anniversary of the Spanish Republican exile. Routes and experiences Deconstructing Francoism From Munich to Paris (1938-1940). From the Spanish Civil War to the German New Europe The Idea of Europe, by George Steiner Our Memories and I (Split) World Book Day 2019 The Holocaust as a starting point La Lola: Memories of a Republican woman The Spanish Civil War in the movies: 80 years of stories Historical memories, uncomfortable memories The Making and Re-Making of Europe: 1919-2019 Romania’s entangled traumatic pasts International Women’s Day Tribute to the exiled and deported A childhood under the bombs 80th anniversary of the Spanish Republican exile. Imprints in Latin America and the Caribbean The Holocaust as a Starting Point (Lisbon) Denials, sacralizations and banalization of the Holocaust 2018 Observing Memories In Search of Freedom A childhood under the bombs Places of violence: memory and amnesia Teaching about genocides (Barcelona) Transmissions of memory Yesterday’s Handcuffs, Today’s Bracelets Our Memories and I – Grosseto History and memory of the International Brigades Memory, gender and public space Memory, Art & Identity All Along the Watchtower Ways of remembrance and reparation in hypermodernity Youth exchange in Bosnia and Herzegovina Our memories and I – Barcelona Headlights Exhibition “In Search of Freedom: 1968-2018” Images of the Revolutions of 1968 Alliance Montpellier-Barcelona Plus (AMB+) Pyrenees, territory of memories Taking stock of European memory policies 2018 Art, memory and public space Our Memories and I – Berlin Instagram Contest 1968: In Search of Freedom Tribute to Isabel Vicente 1968-1982. Left in southern Europe Mural in remembrance to the victims of the Holocaust Hope and Despair in 1968 Our Memories and I – France and Spain Graffiti in remembrance of the victims of the Holocaust 2017 International Holocaust Remembrance Day Observing Memories The life of stories. The filmed testimony The Frog Hibernation. Ten years of Laws and Memorial Policies in Spain and Catalonia (2007-2017) Michael Berenbaum 25 years of the siege of Sarajevo Dictatorship and democracy – transitions and politics of memory in the Ibero-american space More than ever it is time to work for peace and against the culture of hate and fear Memory building: Engaging Society in self-reflective Museums 100 years of the October Revolution: Intellectuals and commitments in contemporary times. The frog hibernation. Ten years of Laws and Memorial Policies in Spain and Catalonia “In Between?” workshops & study visits Is there a “Spanish model” of (not) dealing with the past? Dictatorial symbology, art and public space Monument, architecture and public space The bombings of Barcelona and London Europe for Citizens. Intermediate Report and New Perspectives on the Europe for Citizens programme Information and power around the working commissions of parliamentary and representative institutions Remembrance, transmission and education Genocides and mass atrocities. Teaching and pedagogical tools on history and memory The inner city International Women’s Day. Remembering Tomasa Cuevas Transcultural Memorial Forms Narratives of memory on State violence: the speech of the perpetrator Exiles and migrations between the 20th and the 21st centuries Narrating fascism Theoretical reflexions and historiographical practices with digital sources 2016 “Past and Power” book presentation In Between? Conference Repression of women and their struggles during the Spanish Civil War and under Francoism Confronting Violent Pasts and Historical (In)Justice “I am a refugee”, an exhibition by Vesna Bukovec and Widad Tamimi The left in Southern Europe during the seventies European Memory in the Making: Refugees and Global Expulsions Told, untold and retold histories. Memory Lab workshop Fascism and Sites of Memory Civil Wars in the Contemporary Era Solidarity Foundation: 20 years of commitment to peace and human rights MEFRO meeting in Berlin “Srebrenica: Memory of a Genocide” is presented in Tesanj Victory over fascism: Barcelona 1936. Public Space, Remembrance and Human Rights Petre Roman: The fate of Europe Museums and Cultural Landscapes: building up a Cultural Heritage Festive action of the platform Fem nostre l’Espai de la Model European citizenship in challenging times. Remember, engage, debate! Remembrance Policies, Borders and Memorial Tourism Abril 14th: Tribute to Maria Salvo Presentation of EUROM in Madrid Encounters and disagreements in the Mediterranean research Memory, Architecture and Public Space January 27th: Holocaust Remembrance Day Topographies of Memory: Exchanging Knowledge and Best Practices 2015 Transmission and knowledge of the past. Memory as a public policy The Soviet Child, the War and the Holocaust MemoriaBCN presents 10 routes on the history of the 20th century in Barcelona Changes and continuities in the Spanish scientific system since the transition to democracy. Women and Memory: Today’s challenges for Roma women influenced by historical development Les chantiers du memorable Cinema and Memory Fighting for History and Memory in Portugal Graves, Panthea and Mausolea. From the ditches to Valle de los Caidos Students who wanted to see the sea. Francoist repression against education freedom Memory bus, from Les Corts to Camp de la Bota Roundtable on Memory and Participation CCOO: 50 years of history in Catalonia (1964-2014) Las Ventas: the history of a women’s prison (1933-1969) “Blood brothers. The search continues” Form-Architecture-Memory 40/40 REGARDS SUR LA DICTATURE Street Chroniclers: Passerby stories of dictatorship Franco 4040: Francoism under quarantine. 40 years of dictatorship after 40 years of democracy Liberation: between the historical moment and an endless process Fall and Rise. Heritage Reconstruction after War Memorial Movement, a performative action Srebrenica, memory of a genocide Memory, art, tourism and heritage Armenia, 100 years after the genocide Let’s talk about Europe? Museological discourse and Memory in Italy. 70 years after the liberation 14th of April tribute at Les Corts Observing Memories in its complexity and multiplicity 2014 The Novelized Memory Mauthausen and Gusen memorials Solidarity, Cinema and Memory. Film Cycle COST Action: In Search of Transcultural Memories in Europe Discussing the future memorial of the former women’s prison of Les Corts MEFROP: European Memories on the Pyrenees border Memory and learning in a changing World Tribute to Dr.Caminal, intellectual reference in the field of political science Cities for Peace in the Mediterranean Memory and Power, a transnational perspective The Crisis in Ukraine: A new paradigm of east-west relations? Memoria BCN website presentation
Discovering what has been silenced: Teaching about the Italian participation in the Civil War and the experience of the bombings
The role of Memorial & Human Rights Museums in the Promotion of Truth, Justice and Reparation for an Equitable Future
Information and power around the working commissions of parliamentary and representative institutions