Travelling exhibition
- The EUROM and the project Public Art and Memory of the University of Barcelona jointly coordinate a travelling exhibition with the aim of interpreting the symbolic repression of Francoism;
- The first assemblage was presented at the former prison La Model in Barcelona, in collaboration with the Commissioner of Programmes of Memory of the City Council;
- The exposed material highlights more than 160 official housing plaques of Francoism that have been recently withdrawn by the city of Barcelona;
- Interactive cartography allows visitors to locate most of the plaques, as well as some of the most representative sites of repression and control, monuments and street names of the Francoist dictatorship;
- The exhibition is available for itinerancy and was conceived by Jordi Guixé and Núria Ricart with the support of the project Public Art and Memory (HAR2017-84322-P), the City Council of Barcelona and the programme Europe for Citizens of the European Commission.
This travelling exhibition proposes interpreting the repression of the Francoist regime by returning these elements to the surface in a new context and without ambiguities about its fascist iconography, revealing them as something alien to a democratic society.
The exposed material include original pieces and graphical documentation about Francoist symbology highlighting over 160 housing plaques that have been recently withdrawn by the City Council of Barcelona. Interactive cartography allows locating most of those plaques and some of the spaces of repression and control, monuments and nomenclator.

Pictures of the exhibition “Deconstructing Francoism” | EUROM, Robert Ramos, Barcelona City Council
Original idea and direction: Jordi Guixé and Núria Ricart · Documentation: Ricard Conesa (coordination) · Technical and artistic production: Núria Ricart, Violeta Bofarull and Gerard Miquel.
Organization and coordination: European Observatory on Memories (EUROM) and project Public Art and Memory (HAR2017-84322-P) Promotes: Commissioner of Memory Programmes of the City Council of Barcelona and EUROM.
Co-financed by Europe for Citizens programme – European Commission, with the support of the City Council of Barcelona