The Second International Congress History with Memory in Education refers to an explicit will to educate against the barbarity of contemporary violence, in which archaic, savage and ancestral violence are combined in sinister proportion with the modern violence of total, technological and extremely deadly war. The updated collective memory of the ruins of the past (memory) and the analytical tools for its understanding (history) are challenged in the educational field with an ethical and civic mandate to imagine futures that do not resign themselves to the desolation that floods the present (in plural) that reminds us so much of a past that, in reality, has not yet passed.
Thus, the path that lies ahead of us is that of an education that problematises the present, to build critical, dissident and rebellious citizenship with inequality and exclusion. An education that proposes a history from below, with new narratives that integrate historical subjects whose role has been silenced, of women and men in equality, and that claims the need to recognise and guarantee the basic rights of citizenship.
From this conception, it is necessary to insist on the promotion of educational projects that use historical, cultural and artistic sources and resources that allow us to approach daily life and the construction of history from below. In this sense, there is a consolidated tradition of working with oral sources, either constructed by the students themselves, or from the consultation of digital archives that collect, organise and make available to citizens valuable testimonies about traumatic pasts and resistance to dictatorships.
Experiences of routes and journeys through the expressions of memory in public spaces, both rural and urban, are also becoming established. In this sense, based on the conviction that places of memory are spaces with great educational potential, it seems necessary to continue sharing educational experiences that interact with them, but also to reflect on their theoretical frameworks and on the dynamic and changing nature of their meanings over time, in short, to approach the social processes by which these territorial marks are established. In this sense, promoting shared projects between educational centers, whether they are close around a more local memory, or geographically distant, but united by similar memories around captivity, places of murder, deportation, exile or forced labor, to name some of the most recurrent themes.
Programme (PDF)
All information regarding the conference will be published and updated on its website. Registration to attend the conference is free and will open on September 2. Communicants must also register. In collective communications, registration of at least one of the authors is requested.
- Navarre Institute of Memory. Directorate General of Memory and Coexistence. Department of Memory and Coexistence, Outdoor and Basque Action. Government of Navarre.
- Organization, Training and Quality Service. Inclusion, Equality and Coexistence Service. General Directorate of Education. Education Department. Government of Navarre.
- FDMHN Documentary Fund of Historical Memory in Navarre. Public University of Navarra
- GIGEFRA Civil War Research Group and Francoism. Complutense University of Madrid
- GREDICS Research Group on Science Teaching Socials. Autonomous University of Barcelona
- HISTAGRA Agrarian and Political History Group Rural World. University of Santiago de Compostela
- Chair of Intangible Heritage. Public University of Navarra
- Learn Ikasi Chair Caja Navarra Foundation. Public University of Navarra
- IGU Gerónimo de Uztáriz Institute. Navarre
- Pedagogical Committee of the ACEPF, Catalan Association of former political prisiones of Francoism
- EUROM European Observatory on Memories. University of Batrcelona Solidarity Foundation
- RedPROMEDEX Network of Professors for the Democratic Memory of Extremadura