Conferences You and Me: Youth and Memory Engagement Traumatic Memories and Uncomfortable Heritages Women’s Prisons of Barcelona Colonialism, Ecosocial Crisis, and Historical Justice Diversity of Memories and Citizens’ Participation Childhoods and Women in Memories of War Touristic Uses of the Past Historical memory from an Iberian perspective Digital World, Images, and History: Memories in Tension History with Memory in Education Persons with disabilities, towards inclusion Memories of Capitalism The memories of European Sinti & Roma The time of memory and the time of history. The governance of traumatic pasts Conflict Heritage Repairing the past Public History of the female prisons under the Franco regime First International Conference on Conflict Heritage 11th European Remembrance Symposium and 6th Taking Stock of European Memory Policies Shelters. Citizens, memory and subsoil in Europe Exiles, memories and human rights Memory and Pedagogy Discovering the silenced: the Italian participation in the Spanish Civil War Taking Stock of European memory policies 2022 Repairing the past 2022 ICMEMO General Meeting 2022 Civilizational Collapses. When dystopia leaves the screen Subaltern Memories. The LGBTI+ struggles in Europe The Russia-Ukraine relationship: a long-standing conflict The efficacy of memorialisation after terrorism Taking stock of European memory policies 2021 History and fiction. Shifting memory in the narratives of the past Integrated Approaches to Europe’s Dissonant Heritage Conflicting Heritage. Museums and Colonial Legacy Civilizational Collapses. When dystopia leaves the screen Current debates and challenges on genocide education through heritage: a triangular view Memorial needs and the victims of terrorism The landmarks of our past in the shaping of our future. Lessons from Ventotene Humanitarian Aid to the Civilian Population in a Europe at War (1914-1949) Taking stock of European memory policies 2020 Colo(m)ialismes The Dayton Agreement. 25 years later Controversial memories and heritage. Uses and abuses of the recent past Masters and Slaves. Labor, rebellion and trade in transatlantic slavery The world today. From historical Fascisms to postmodern reactionarism and new populisms Taking Stock of European Memory Policies 2019 Women in the Republican exile of 1939 Memory, Art & Identity Ways of remembrance and reparation in hypermodernity Images of the Revolutions of 1968 Taking stock of European memory policies 2018 Hope and Despair in 1968 The life of stories. The filmed testimony The Frog Hibernation. Ten years of Laws and Memorial Policies in Spain and Catalonia (2007-2017) Michael Berenbaum 25 years of the siege of Sarajevo Dictatorship and democracy – transitions and politics of memory in the Ibero-american space Memory building: Engaging Society in self-reflective Museums 100 years of the October Revolution: Intellectuals and commitments in contemporary times. Monument, architecture and public space The bombings of Barcelona and London Genocides and mass atrocities. Teaching and pedagogical tools on history and memory Narratives of memory on State violence: the speech of the perpetrator Exiles and migrations between the 20th and the 21st centuries Narrating fascism Theoretical reflexions and historiographical practices with digital sources In Between? Conference The left in Southern Europe during the seventies European Memory in the Making: Refugees and Global Expulsions Civil Wars in the Contemporary Era Solidarity Foundation: 20 years of commitment to peace and human rights Victory over fascism: Barcelona 1936. Museums and Cultural Landscapes: building up a Cultural Heritage European citizenship in challenging times. Remember, engage, debate! Remembrance Policies, Borders and Memorial Tourism Memory, Architecture and Public Space The Soviet Child, the War and the Holocaust Fighting for History and Memory in Portugal Graves, Panthea and Mausolea. From the ditches to Valle de los Caidos CCOO: 50 years of history in Catalonia (1964-2014) Form-Architecture-Memory Franco 4040: Francoism under quarantine. 40 years of dictatorship after 40 years of democracy Liberation: between the historical moment and an endless process Fall and Rise. Heritage Reconstruction after War Museological discourse and Memory in Italy. 70 years after the liberation Discussing the future memorial of the former women’s prison of Les Corts Memory and learning in a changing World Memory and Power, a transnational perspective The Crisis in Ukraine: A new paradigm of east-west relations?