Press & Clipping Press AllPress kitPress releaseReport Stolpersteine Memorials to Honor Victims of Nazism in Solsonés Report | History with Memory in Education: Reflections and Outcomes Diversity of memories and Citizens’ Participation. Summary Report EUROM Joins the Commemorations for 20N in Barcelona “Exilio”, An Original Production by EUROM and Voodoo Productions Solidarity with people affected by the disaster in Valencia 7th Annual Meeting on European Memory Policies: Exploring Diversity of Memories and Citizens’ Participation Congress and Exhibition Explore Children’s and Women’s Memories of War in Europe The University of Barcelona welcomes a delegation from the Srebrenica Memorial Center European Parliament’s Jaume Duch and University of Barcelona’s Joan Guàrdia Discuss the Memory and Future of European Democracy Dialogue between Joan Guàrdia and Jaume Duch on the future of the European Union The EUROM promotes a conference to raise awareness on the memories of persons with disabilities Press Release | EUROM publishes the second report for the Transatlantic Racial Redress Network Press Kit | Weaving the past. What are memory policies for? (Barlin Books, 2024) An unpublished collection of letters reveals the hidden landscapes of the Spanish republican exile in France The EUROM and the LRE Foundation sign a Memorandum of Understanding to kick off their collaboration The circular exile expressed by the Chilean artist Cecilia Zabaleta, a new exhibition in the Montjuic Castle Celebrating the Trailblazing Women of the European Union: Exhibition Unveiling at the University of Barcelona The conference “Resistance and Solidarity” will gather representatives of institutions and organisations active in the field of memory Press kit | Exhibition “Wake up, Europe!” Barcelona Barcelona Hosts an International Conference on Victim Databases and Memorial Legislation The second edition of “Ruta al Exilio” gets under way Press Release | Les memòries de l’Orgull a Europa The summer camp “Ruta al exilio 2022” will gather 40 youngsters “Song to a Lady in the Shadows” is up for three DA Film Festival awards Oksana Chelysheva: “We must respect what the Ukrainian people want” The first ‘Route to Exile’ begins on July 15 at the UB Republic Pavilion A summer route to bring young people closer to the history of the Spanish republican exile NdP: Un cicle d’activitats reflexiona sobre les memòries feministes a Barcelona “All along the watchtower” is presented in Barcelona The Shoah Memorial and the University of Barcelona sign an agreement to promote education on the Holocaust European organisations meet at the Jean Monnet House to share experience in the field of memory and remembrance “All Along the watchtower”, a memorial performance to commemorate the fall of the Berlin wall Civil society groups meet in Paris to discuss the challenges of European policies of memories An exhibition displays more than 300 Francoist symbols removed in Navarre since 2016 A debate on the denial of the Holocaust opens the commemorative acts for the International Remembrance Day in Barcelona The Montjuïc Castle hosts the exhibition “In Search of Freedom” The University of Barcelona remembers the 80th anniversary of the farewell of the International Brigades Barcelona presents the project for the monument of the women’s prison of Les Corts An new exhibition in Barcelona highlights a collection of children’s drawings during the Spanish Civil War A picture by Hayk Shalunts on the “March For Our Lives” (Los Angeles, 2018) wins the Instagram contest “In Search of Freedom 2018” The Dictionary of Collective Memory (Diccionario de la Memoria Colectiva) arrives to bookstores in Spain A reflection on the legacies of ‘68 An international seminar and a film debate at the UB will remember the protests of 1968 La Plataforma pel Futur Monument a la Presó de Dones Les Corts ret homenatge a la lluitadora antifranquista Isabel Vicente The University of Barcelona exhibits a mural painting by urban artist Roc Blackbloc in memory of the victims of the Holocaust A large wall painting and a conference with the director of the Auschwitz Memorial reminisce the victims of the Holocaust in Barcelona Press kit: The Frog Hibernation The European Observatory on Memories calls for volunteers More than ever it’s time to work for peace and against the culture of hate and fear European Remembrance project 2015-2017 “Fem Nostre l’espai de la Model” claims for a participatory process after the closing of “La Modelo” in Barcelona The fascist bombardments of London and Barcelona will be discussed at the Imperial War Museum in London The State Museum Auschwitz-Birkenau joins the European Observatory on Memories Future educators receive a course on genocides and mass atrocities at the University of Barcelona The memory of state violence is discussed within an international seminar in Barcelona “Past & Power” presents the main debates on remembrance and memory conflicts in today’s Europe The conference “Victory over Fascism: Barcelona 1936” inaugurates a series of commemorative acts on the 80th Anniversary of the Spanish Civil War The Public Diplomacy Council of Catalonia and the European Observatory on Memories inaugurate the program “1936-1939. Memory of the Spanish Civil War” EUROM session closed the annual meeting of the International Committee of Memorial Museums in Remembrance of the Victims of Public Crimes Columbia University and the Government of Navarre join the European Observatory on Memories Petre Roman proposes a reflection about the democratic legitimacy of Europe Conflictual european memories at the heart of the citizenship debate Barcelona holds the European Commission conference “European Citizenship in Challenging Times” An international seminar at the University Rovira i Virgili discuss the policies of memory in the field of tourism and education Homage to Maria Salvo on the occasion of the 85th anniversary of the Second Republic in Spain Barcelona discovers its slavery inheritance EUROM and Barcelona City Council debate the uncomfortable memories of the city Les candidatures del 20-D a Catalunya debaten sobre memòria històrica The group developing the monument to the former Women’s Prison of Les Corts receives Barcelona’s Medal of Honour Solidarity with France/ En solidarité avec la France «Franco 4040» debat la memòria del Valle de los Caídos, les fosses i els desapareguts del franquisme Franco 40/40: a multidisciplinary program reviews the 40 years gone by since Francisco Franco’s death The memories of dictatorship’s repression take the streets in Barcelona An international seminar in Guernica analyses different processes of reconstruction of heritage after wars 7th Mauthausen Dialogue Forum discusses the liberation The UB presents a project to identify Spanish Civil War victims by means of forensic genetics Barcelona and Sarajevo remember Srebrenica genocide on its 20th anniversary The European Observatory on Memories organizes a seminar about the heritage of the Second World War and the Resistance in Italy A photo exhibition and a round-table talk commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Armenian genocide The UB participates in a tribute to women imprisoned at the former Women Prison of Les Corts Austrian Government signs a collaboration agreement with the European Observatory on Memories of UB Solidarity Foundation The European Observatory on Memories organizes its first international symposium Clipping Clipping 2024 Clipping 2023 Clipping 2022 Clipping: 2021 Clipping: Murs de Bitàcola Clipping: Exilio (2020-2021) Clipping: 2020 Clipping: 2019 Clipping: All along the watchtower Places of Memory – Escala Humana (RTVE) Clipping: Deconstructing Francoism Clipping: The idea of Europe Clipping: International Holocaust Remembrance Day 2019 Clipping: In search of freedom Clipping: Holocaust Remembrance 2018 Why is it important do remember the Holocaust? Interview with Michael Berenbaum (in Spanish and Catalan) Interview with Marina Vinyes at Ràdio Arrels-Catalunya Nord (in catalan) ACN: Londres recorda els bombardejos feixistes sobre Catalunya amb motiu del 80è aniversari dels fets Catalunya Radio: European historians discussed in Barcelona how to teach genocide in schools Il Tirreno: Lights in a conference about migration and borders BTV broadcasts a roundtable to discuss the announcement of the National Day in Memory of the Victims of the Civil War and repression of Franco’s dictatorship Radio debate: RAC 1 proposes a discussion on the contemporary uses of symbols in public space About graves and public debt Jordi Guixé analyzes the European Day commemorating the victims of Stalinist and Nazi crimes Debate on the contemporary uses of the symbols of repression of European recent past Complete coverage: European citizenship in challenging times. Remember, engage, debate! Vespre 324: Interview on the opening of the conference “European Citizenship in Challenging Times” The Guardian: “Barcelona’s slave trade history revealed on new walking tour” A social history trip of Barcelona on your smartphone BTV, Arxiu 73: The women’s prison of Les Corts, a symbol of Francoist oppression
7th Annual Meeting on European Memory Policies: Exploring Diversity of Memories and Citizens’ Participation
European Parliament’s Jaume Duch and University of Barcelona’s Joan Guàrdia Discuss the Memory and Future of European Democracy
An unpublished collection of letters reveals the hidden landscapes of the Spanish republican exile in France
The circular exile expressed by the Chilean artist Cecilia Zabaleta, a new exhibition in the Montjuic Castle
Celebrating the Trailblazing Women of the European Union: Exhibition Unveiling at the University of Barcelona
The conference “Resistance and Solidarity” will gather representatives of institutions and organisations active in the field of memory
The Shoah Memorial and the University of Barcelona sign an agreement to promote education on the Holocaust
European organisations meet at the Jean Monnet House to share experience in the field of memory and remembrance
A debate on the denial of the Holocaust opens the commemorative acts for the International Remembrance Day in Barcelona
The University of Barcelona remembers the 80th anniversary of the farewell of the International Brigades
An new exhibition in Barcelona highlights a collection of children’s drawings during the Spanish Civil War
A picture by Hayk Shalunts on the “March For Our Lives” (Los Angeles, 2018) wins the Instagram contest “In Search of Freedom 2018”
The Dictionary of Collective Memory (Diccionario de la Memoria Colectiva) arrives to bookstores in Spain
La Plataforma pel Futur Monument a la Presó de Dones Les Corts ret homenatge a la lluitadora antifranquista Isabel Vicente
The University of Barcelona exhibits a mural painting by urban artist Roc Blackbloc in memory of the victims of the Holocaust
A large wall painting and a conference with the director of the Auschwitz Memorial reminisce the victims of the Holocaust in Barcelona
“Fem Nostre l’espai de la Model” claims for a participatory process after the closing of “La Modelo” in Barcelona
The fascist bombardments of London and Barcelona will be discussed at the Imperial War Museum in London
The conference “Victory over Fascism: Barcelona 1936” inaugurates a series of commemorative acts on the 80th Anniversary of the Spanish Civil War
The Public Diplomacy Council of Catalonia and the European Observatory on Memories inaugurate the program “1936-1939. Memory of the Spanish Civil War”
EUROM session closed the annual meeting of the International Committee of Memorial Museums in Remembrance of the Victims of Public Crimes
An international seminar at the University Rovira i Virgili discuss the policies of memory in the field of tourism and education
The group developing the monument to the former Women’s Prison of Les Corts receives Barcelona’s Medal of Honour
Franco 40/40: a multidisciplinary program reviews the 40 years gone by since Francisco Franco’s death
An international seminar in Guernica analyses different processes of reconstruction of heritage after wars
The European Observatory on Memories organizes a seminar about the heritage of the Second World War and the Resistance in Italy
Austrian Government signs a collaboration agreement with the European Observatory on Memories of UB Solidarity Foundation
ACN: Londres recorda els bombardejos feixistes sobre Catalunya amb motiu del 80è aniversari dels fets
BTV broadcasts a roundtable to discuss the announcement of the National Day in Memory of the Victims of the Civil War and repression of Franco’s dictatorship