The new story of our commemoration series focuses on the 80th anniversary of the Draft Manifesto for a Free and United Europe, best known as The Manifesto of Ventotene. The publication is available both online and in printed version and has been organized as a...
The former Plaça d’Antonio López – Idrissa Diallo in Barcelona will become a space to denounce the impunity and torture that took place some meters above in the same street, at the Via Laietana Police Headquarters, during Francoism and the Transition to...
“Boleto de ida” (One-way ticket) is an individual exhibition by the visual artist and illustrator Cecilia Zabaleta, the granddaughter of one of the 2.200 refugees who arrived in Valparaíso, Chile, on the emblematic ship Winnipeg organized by Pablo Neruda at the end...
Professor Silke Hünecke is EUROM’s guest lecturer in the fourth edition of the permanent seminar organized by the Study group on institutions and political cultures (16th-21st centuries) of the University Pompeu Fabra; She will discuss the concepts of memory...
The fourth edition of the annual network meeting “Taking stock of European memory policies” will be held online on December 10, 2021 from 9,30 am to 1 pm; The event will gather representatives of the European Parliament, the European Commission and the...
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