Cinema and Memory

Cinema and Memory

Sessions organized in collaboration with Filmoteca de Catalunya November 17 – Sala Laya 18:30 – Cinema and memory. Lecture by Paloma Aguilar, Professor at UNED, and Nancy Berthier*, Director of the Centre de Recherches Interdisciplinaires sur les Mondes...
CCOO: 50 years of history in Catalonia (1964-2014)

CCOO: 50 years of history in Catalonia (1964-2014)

November 20, 2015 marks 40 years since the death of Francisco Franco. The dictator disappeared, and democracy won the streets. Four decades later we commemorate it and celebrate at the same time the closing of the events on the 50th anniversary of the founding of the...
Street Chroniclers: Passerby stories of dictatorship

Street Chroniclers: Passerby stories of dictatorship

A series of four performances and an interactive audiovisual production including spontaneous interviews and invited guests to approach some of the episodes related to the the years of francoism in Barcelona. Organized in collaboration with Eduxarxa, the activity was...
The Novelized Memory

The Novelized Memory

The European Observatory on Memories (EUROM) participated in The Novelized Memory seminar which took place in Aarhus (Denmark) in November 2014. Thirty five experts in cultural memory studies participated in the workshop and decided to engage an interdisciplinary...
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