Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum

Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum

The Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum was created by an act of the Polish parliament on July 2, 1947, and includes the grounds of two extant parts of the Auschwitz I and Auschwitz II-Birkenau concentration camps. The Museum grounds cover 191 hectares, of which 20 are at...
Rab Concentration Camp

Rab Concentration Camp

In order to crush partisan resistance in Ljubljana, Fascist Italy carried out raids beginning in February 1942 and the majority of arrested civilians were sent to Rab (or Arbe in Italian), the largest concentration camp in Italian-occupied territory. Established in...
Gonars Concentration Camp

Gonars Concentration Camp

The Gonars concentration camp was located in the town of Gonars, in the province of Udine in Friuli-Venezia Giulia, in the northeast of Italy, near the border with modern-day Slovenia. The region has been a hub for much interaction and exchange between the two...
Vabamu Museum of Occupations and Freedom

Vabamu Museum of Occupations and Freedom

The Kistler-Ritso Foundation established an Occupation Museum of the recent past in Estonia with the aim to study the developmental processes of the period 1940-1991, as well as to collect and exhibit relevant materials, both objects and documents. Its homepage is...
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