More than 200 pictures from around the world participated in the Intsgram contest promoted in the framework of the project In Search of Freedom: 1968-2018; An international jury composed of representatives of partner institutions selected the three winning pictures;...
The book is directed by professor Ricard Vinyes (Universitat de Barcelona) and gathers more than 270 entries of 187 experts; It is a result of a three-year working process, supported by the EUROM – Fundació Solidaritat UB and published by Gedisa. The book...
The activities, organized by the European Observatory on Memories, will take place on Thursday April 19 and will focus on the student protests and feminist and labour movements that took place in Europe in the 60s and 70s. In the morning, a seminar will debate on the...
Serà el dijous 12 d’abril en el marc de les activitats de la “Primavera Republicana” de l’Ajuntament de Barcelona al districte de Gràcia; Organitzat per l’Observatori Europeu de Memòries de la Universitat de Barcelona, l’homenatge comptarà amb la tercera edició del...
Performed with the collaboration of twelve students of the artistic baccalaureate of the secondary school Moisès Broggi in Barcelona, the mural will is exposed in the historical building of the University until March 22; The project is curated by the professor of Fine...
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