Exilio – Madrid

Exilio – Madrid

The performance Exilio will be presented during the commemoration activities of the Day of homage to the Spaniards deported and deceased in concentration camps and to all the Spanish victims of Nazism, organized by the State Secretariat for Democratic Memory and the...
Women, (un)Memories and Exile

Women, (un)Memories and Exile

The struggles, purges, and the resistance of women during the Spanish republican exile will be discussed by Jordi Guixé through the biographies of Trinitat Revoltó and Redempció Querol while Rosa Cerarols and Mireia Boya will address the memory and history of women...
Women, (un)Memories and Revolution

Women, (un)Memories and Revolution

The third session of the permanent seminar of the GEICP- UPF focuses on the memory and history of revolutionary women in the 19th century; The session will count with presentations by Dominique Godineau (Université Rennes), Elena Fernández García (UAB) and Maria...
Women and Children in a Europe in War (1914-1949)

Women and Children in a Europe in War (1914-1949)

This traveling exhibition proposes a historical tour of the humanitarian aid initiatives carried out between 1914 and 1949; It highlights the role of women during the conflicts and their consequences for children and displaced populations and underlines the memorial...
The stork of Burgos

The stork of Burgos

In the framework of the 90th anniversary of the proclamation of the Second Spanish Republic, the EUROM and the Platform Future Monument of the former women prison of Les Corts jointly organize a cineforum to reflect on this commemoration throughout the movie...
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