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Signage of the perimeter of the Women’s prison of Les Corts

Signage of the perimeter of the Women’s prison of Les Corts

The signage of the former women’s prison in Les Corts is one of the 184 projects proposed and chosen by citizenry within the first participatory budgets in Barcelona; The proposal was presented by the Paltform for the Future Monument Prison of Les Corts and...
Multiple Genealogies of European Memory and Cultural Heritage

Multiple Genealogies of European Memory and Cultural Heritage

Genealogies of Memory  is an international academic project run by European Network Remembrance and Solidarity in cooperation with the Faculty of Sociology of the University of Warsaw since 2011; Its aim is to facilitate academic exchange between Central and East...
Women, (Un)Memories and Resistances

Women, (Un)Memories and Resistances

The fifth session of the permanent seminar of the GEICP- UPF focuses in the memories of political imprisioned women during the Spanish Civil War and Francoism, delaing with the impact of gender perscpective in both the research and the processes of memorialisation;...
Civil Dialogue Week 2021

Civil Dialogue Week 2021

CERV is the new European programme for projects on citizens engagement, equality for all and the protection and promotion of rights and EU values; Addressed to civil society organisations active at local, regional, national and transnational level, as well as other...
Live Digital: Narratives of the Transition to Democracy in Spain

Live Digital: Narratives of the Transition to Democracy in Spain

The Transition to Democracy in Spain is the subject of important studies on the fields of historiography, political science, sociology and communications that have shown the complexity of this process of becoming a western democracy in the second half of the 20th...