The Ventas prison (1931-1969) was the most populated female prison in the history of Spain. Located in Madrid, it was originally conceived as a “Model Prison” for women by Victoria Kent – within the new criminal justice project of the Second...
The EUROM – Fundació Solidaritat UB has been involved in the co-production of the docu-fiction hybrid Canción a una dama en la sombra (Song to a Lady in the Shadow) since 2019. Inspired by the stories of numerous women who were forced to rebuild their lives at...
The EUROM is one of the partners of the NGO Mèdicus Mundi Mediterrània in this project that aims to take stock of the cooperation between the cities of Sarajevo and Barcelona after the 1990s war in the Balkans until nowadays. The project aims to inspire citizenry...
Route to Exile is an educational programme developed by the Associations Be Wild, Be Proud and Ruta al Exilio with the support of the Youth Institute of Spain (Injuve) of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Agenda 2030 in collaboration with the European Observatory on...
Articulated as another actor in a multidisciplinary network of social and professional agents, Murs de Bitàcola can be defined as a multidisciplinary and flexible project. It aims to be enriched while contributing to a set of initiatives and projects that work from...
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