COST Action: In Search of Transcultural Memories in Europe

COST Action: In Search of Transcultural Memories in Europe

EUROM participated in this research network about policies of memories in Budapest. The meeting at Central European University was organized by ISTME (In Search of Transcultural Memory in Europe) and combined the annual meeting of ISTME with a PHD Training School....
MEFROP – European Memories on the Pyrenees Border

MEFROP – European Memories on the Pyrenees Border

The Pyrenees border is characterized by a rich multiplicity of memories. Many actors, including associations, institutions and academics, are engaged in memory-related studies, practices and policies. This is the reason why the aim of MEFROP is to build a long-lasting...
Memory and learning in a changing World

Memory and learning in a changing World

The European Observatory on Memories (EUROM) participates in the 2014 IC MEMO Annual Conference held in Falstad(Norway), under the title Negotiating Memory in a Changing World: Memorial Sites, Museums and Best Practices for the Future. The EUROM is a member of the...
Dictionary of Collective Memory

Dictionary of Collective Memory

The Dictionary of collective memory is a project about the identification, description and analysis of notions used by stories, representations and management of memory of political and social traumas in Europe and America in the 20th and 21st centuries. Through an...
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