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MEFRO meeting in Berlin

MEFRO meeting in Berlin

From September 12th to 16th 2016, MEFRO partners and collaborators will meet in Berlin for a working session and guided visits to memorial sites. The seminar is organized in close collaboration with Stefanie Endlich, honorary professor of public arts at...
Public Space, Remembrance and Human Rights

Public Space, Remembrance and Human Rights

Organized by the Asociación de la Memoria Social y Democrática (AMESDE) in collaboration with EUROM and Fundación Internacional Baltasar Garzón (FIBGAR), and held by Universitat Complutense de Madrid, the summer course aims to analyze, debate and compare different...
Remembrance Policies, Borders and Memorial Tourism

Remembrance Policies, Borders and Memorial Tourism

Under the umbrella of the  European project MEFRO, led by EUROM and Université de Perpignan Via Domitia, the consolidated research group ISOCAC of Universitat Rovira i Virgili organizes a conference on the landscapes of war, borders and memorial tourism, focusing...
Memory, Architecture and Public Space

Memory, Architecture and Public Space

Architect Julian Bonder will share his expertise in memorial architecture in a master class in Barcelona and Lyon The students of the MA Urban Design – Arts, City, Society and of the Masters 1 Architecture (Materiality field of study) of the École Nationale...
January 27th: Holocaust Remembrance Day

January 27th: Holocaust Remembrance Day

The exhibition Roma Memory will be be on display at  the headquarters of the European Commission on 27 January and will run until 19 February. The show is the result of  research led by Yahad In Unum in partnership with the collective Roma Dignity since 2010, and...