Shamir Association – Riga Ghetto and Latvia Holocaust Museum

Shamir Association – Riga Ghetto and Latvia Holocaust Museum

The Association Shamir is active in the field of the Jewish ethnic identity and Latvian Jewish cultural and historical heritage preservation, research and promotion. It main goal is the promotion of dialogue between communities and ethnic groups throughout integration...
FINROSFORUM – Finnish-Russian Civic Forum

FINROSFORUM – Finnish-Russian Civic Forum

The Finnish-Russian Civic Forum (FINROSFORUM) strives to promote cooperation between the people of Finland and Russia by supporting civic initiatives for democracy, human rights, and freedom of speech. It is formed by a group of people concerned about the erosion of...
Aarhus University – Uses of the Past

Aarhus University – Uses of the Past

The past is not what it once was. This is a graffiti used as a title for a book on historical methodology written by a Norwegian historian. The past is a point of orientation for individuals as well as for communities in the present. Memories, material objects and...
The Making and Re-Making of Europe: 1919-2019

The Making and Re-Making of Europe: 1919-2019

This year’s European Remembrance Symposium is dedicated to the issue of how we deal with, narrate and remember decisive changes in the 20th-century history of Europe, such as the years 1919, 1945, 1989. In an attempt to promote interdisciplinary and...
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