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Press kit | Exhibition “Wake up, Europe!” Barcelona

Press kit | Exhibition “Wake up, Europe!” Barcelona

Barcelona remembers the solidarity movement organized to support Sarajevo during the longest siege against a major city in modern military history The council of Democratic Memory of Barcelona and the European Observatory of Memories of the Solidarity Foundation of...
Press Release | Les memòries de l’Orgull a Europa

Press Release | Les memòries de l’Orgull a Europa

L’Observatori Europeu de Memòries organitza una jornada internacional a la Universitat de Barcelona per debatre les memòries de les lluites LGBTI+ a Europa amb la participació d’activistes, acadèmics i autoritats locals i internacionals; La professora honorífica...
“All along the watchtower” is presented in Barcelona

“All along the watchtower” is presented in Barcelona

The memorial performance was developed by a group of artists from the former German Democratic Republic and has been premiered on November 8 in Berlin as part of the commemorative programme for the 30 anniversary of  of the fall of the wall; Produced by the European...