International Committee of Memorial and Human Rights Museums – ICMEMOHRI
The International Committee of Memorial and Human Rights Museums (ICMEMOHRI) is one of ICOM’s 31 International Committees. Founded during ICOM’s general Conference in Barcelona on 3 July 2001 as IC-MEMO, in 2023 it was re-named as ICMEMOHRI. In a world...
Fundació Solidaritat – Universitat de Barcelona
Fundació Solidaritat Universitat de Barcelona (University of Barcelona Solidarity Foundation) was jointly created by Món-3 Foundation and the University of Barcelona in 1996. Its mission is to apply the University policies in development aid and, as part of...
Universidad de Santiago de Compostela – Histagra
HISTAGRA (Agrarian History and Rural Politics in the 19th and 20th Centuries) is a research group of the University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain) created at the beginning of the 1980s but officially constituted in 2006. During its first 25 years, it developed a...
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