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Summary video | School on European Memories 2023

The Jean Monnet House, the Istituto di Studi Federalisti Altiero Spinelli and EUROM – The European Observatory on Memories – in collaboration with JEF Europe organise the first edition of the Ventotene-Houjarray School on European Memories (21-24 May 2023) at the Jean Monnet House (Bazoches-sur-Guyonne, France). This 3-day seminar on European memory welcome thirty young people from all over Europe. The Jean Monnet House wishes to raise awareness among young people about European memory and the history of democracy. Through the organisation of conferences, workshops, debates and practical activities, participants will become familiar with the latest research on memory studies and will be able to contribute to raising awareness of Europe’s past as a key to making informed choices for the present and future. This year, the VHSEM will focus on the European elections since 1979, in view of the next elections in 2024.

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