The International Committee of Memorial and Human Rights Museums (ICMEMOHRI) is one of ICOM’s 31 International Committees. Founded during ICOM’s general Conference in Barcelona on 3 July 2001 as IC-MEMO, in 2023 it was re-named as ICMEMOHRI. In a world...
ISOCAC Ideologies i Societat a la Catalunya Contemporània (Ideologies and society in the contemporary Catalonia – ISOCAC) is a constituted research group of the Contemporary History and Didactics of Social Sciences areas at the University Rovira i Virgili...
Conèixer Història Association (Discovering History Association) is an NGO created in Barcelona in 2008 with the aim of researching and spreading knowledge of the past in order to better understand the present and achieve a fairer and more democratic future. Through...
Petre Roman will share his view on the destiny of Europe next June 28 at the University of Barcelona. The conference is organized by the University of Barcelona through the Solidarity Foundation in collaboration with the Consulate of Romania in Barcelona, Club de Roma...
The platform named Fem Nostre l’Espai de La Model (Let’s take La Model prison precinct) organizes a protest party at the corner of La Model prison in Barcelona. The event will take place on May 29, from 12,00 to 14,00 as part of the participatory process...
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