Paper: Memories as an uncomfortable past (abstract)


Author: Jordi Guixé i Coromines
Published at RiMe, n. 18, giugno 2017, pp. 159‐301
ISBN 9788897317326  ISSN 2035‐794X
DOI 10.7410/1277


‘No day shall erase you from the memory of time’

 ‘No puedo creer que el hombre esté desvinculado de su trayectoria histórica’
Josep Guinovart



This text is a bidirectional approach and reflection about policies on memory on a national, Mediterranean and European scale. One direction dive into the debates and analyses of competitions and divergences on memories at a European level. The other direction is an approach to two examples from the Mediterranean territories– France and Spain–, about conflicts on memories and (so called here) uncomfortable memories. Uncomfortable for the political power that is dealing with their past. And also those ones that are denying it. The text includes some notions and parameters of memorial concepts and memory as a collective and democratic heritage in times of different crisis and discussions in Europe.


Politics on memory; Algerian War; Decolonization; Dictatorship; Repression; Europe; Spanish Civil War

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