MEFRO – European Memories of Borders (Mémoires Européennes des Frontières)- works on the transfer and knowledge-sharing of memory issues in order to build a permanent network of interdisciplinary and transnational work to treat European borders as a place of analysis. In this sense, its ultimate goal is to exploit the potential of cross-national and comparative experiences that transmit social knowledge, disrupting/challenging conceptual boundaries that still restrict the construction of a shared vision of an European history of memories. The project will be developed until 2018 within the program “Europe for Citizens”, with the support of the European Commission.
Background: With the aim to transform the transdisciplinary, transnational and multicultural potential of the activities organized in the framemark of MEFROP (2013-2015) into an intercultural and cross-sectorial collaboration, EUROM and UPVD began this second phase of the project with the collaboration of seven external partners:
ISOSAC – Ideologies i Societat a la Catalunya Contemporània – Universitat Rovira i Virgili (Catalonia), Fundación del Museo de la Paz de Gernika (Basque Country), ISGREC (Istituto storico grossetano della Resistenza e dell’età contemporanea) (Italy), University of Ljubljana (Slovenia), Nachbarschaftshaus Urbanstraße (Berlin), Center for Contemporary Arts (Estonia), Associació Trajectòries de la Catalunya Nord (France).