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Civil society groups meet in Paris to discuss the challenges of European policies of memories

  • The meeting “Taking stock of European memory policies” will gather the representatives of over 50 projects selected under Europe for Citizens  programme with the aim to discuss the policies of the past and how to enhance them;
  • Jointly organized by the Jean Monnet House/House of European History, the European Observatory on Memories (EUROM) of the University of Barcelona, and the European Commission in cooperation with the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA), the meeting will be held on October 23 and 24 at the Jean Monnet House;
  • The opening roundtable will discuss the challenges of the public policies of memory in Europe with the participation of experts Sarah Gensburger, of the CNRS, and Markus Prutsch, of the European Parliament;
  • The assistants will share their experiences in eight workshops focusing on youth participation, cooperation, transmission, and sustainability.

Paris,  October 22, 2019 –  The Jean Monnet House/House of European History, the European Observatory on Memories (EUROM) and the European Commission in cooperation with the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) jointly organize the meeting “Taking Stock on European memory policies”. The event will gather the representatives of over 50 projects selected in 2018 and 2019 under the Remembrance strand of the programme Europe for Citizens of the European Commission. The welcome session will be held on October 23 at the Hotel Melià La Defense in Paris. On October 24, participants will meet at the Jean Monnet House in Bazoches-sur-Guyonne for a series of panels and workshops focused on discussing how to enhance memory policies in Europe.

The welcome session will start at 6:15 pm and will be addressed by Baudouin Baudru, Head of the Representation of the European Commission in France; Isabelle Coustet, Head of the Office of the European Parliament in France, and Teemu Tanner, Ambassador of Finland, Member state holding the presidency of the Council of the European Union. It will be followed by an address of the organizers on the importance of remembrance in European policies, and the screening of the documentary film “1948-2018: réveil de la Guerre froide”, introduced by its director, André Bossuroy.

On October 24,  participants will gather from 9:00 am to 8:00 pm at the House Jean Monnet in Bazoches-sur-Guyonne for a series of discussion panels and workshops. Martí Grau, director of the Jean Monnet House, and Marie Corman, principal policy officer on Europe for Citizens-Remembrance at the DG Migration and Home Affairs, will introduce the programme of the day. The opening session will consist of a dialogue on the challenges of the public policies of memory in Europe with Sarah Gensburger, laureate researcher of the CNRS for the project Building an Interdisciplinary Science of Memory, and Markus Prutsch, principal investigator and administrator for Culture and Education Policies at the European Parliament. The session will be moderated by Ricard Conesa, project officer at EUROM. Further, Gilles Pelayo, Head of Unit, Europe for Citizens programme at the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Agency (EACEA), will present some guidelines for implementing projects supported by the programme, followed by questions and answers.

After a short break, the assistants will be organized in four workshops to share practical experiences and to address the challenges of their projects on issues of youth participation, cultural heritage, critical judgment, and citizenry. The second workshops’ sessions will start after lunch and will be dedicated to a discussion of the European dimension of remembrance action in the grassroots level, communication tools, citizens’ engagement, and projects’ sustainability.  The concluding remarks will be presented at 4:30 pm and will be followed by a visit to the Jean Monnet House.

A public event on the education of European memories will be held at 5,30 pm, in the framework of the cycle Conversations sur l’Europe commemorating the 40th anniversary of Jean Monnet’s death. The roundtable will include the participation of Kaja Sirok, director of the National History Museum of Slovenia, Antoine Arjakosk, of the Collège des Bernardin, and Andreas Holtberget, project coordinator of Euroclio. The event will close with the performance “At Summer’s’ end”, by Smashing Times International Centre for the Arts and Human Rights.

Date Press


Other Institutions Involved

  • European Commission
  • House Jean Monnet – House of European History
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