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The European Observatory on Memories calls for volunteers

EUROM will select four volunteers from the European Solidarity Corps, an initiative launched this year by the European Union to create opportunities of volunteering to young people

The European Solidarity Corps is the new European Union initiative to create opportunities for young people to volunteer in projects in their own country or abroad that benefit communities and people around Europe. It aims to build a more inclusive society, supporting vulnerable people and responding to societal challenges by offering inspiring and empowering experiences to help, learn and develop. As a project supported by the European Commission, the European Observatory on Memories of the University of Barcelona’s Solidarity Foundation (EUROM) is committed to strengthening the Corps and will select four volunteers throughout the platform. The European Solidarity Corps is addressed to people from 17 to 30 years old and the online registration process is simple.

The four selected candidates will be called to collaborate on the main activities carried out by the EUROM in 2017-2018, according to their preferences of interests, location and kind of activity. As an expanding transnational network of institutions and organizations committed to research and promotion of public historical memory policies, EUROM organizes seminars, conferences, art exhibitions and artistic actions in Europe with the aim to contribute to a critic reflection surrounding recent history.

Led by the Solidarity Foundation of the University of Barcelona, our mission is to advocate for the diversity and plurality of public and collective memories, impacting on the development of public policies of memory and remembrance. The EUROM network is currently formed by 45 organizations of 19 countries.

Further information on the European Solidarity Corps:

15-09-2017 12:00 AM CEST

Date Press


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European Youth Portal

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