CNRS – Centre Max Weber et Lyon 3


Deeply marked by the history of sociology in Lyon and Saint-Etienne, Centre Max Weber is the result of the combination of the GRS (Research Group on Socialization) in Lyon and MODYS (Worlds and Dynamics Companies), a result of the consolidation, in 2007 ,of CRESAL in Saint-Etienne and Lyon GLYSI-SAFA.

Created in 1976, the Research Group on Socialization was the only French sociological laboratory dedicated to the study of frames, modalities, time and socialization effects. His work as a filiation that Durkheim Weber. He also maintained a cross perspective from current sociological subfields, the same scientific problem allowing him to work on “primary socialization” as on “secondary socialization” and on different dimensions of socialization: socialization as body language, spatial as temporal, aesthetic as political, etc. Its members wished to organize their research directions into two teams: “Provisions, powers, cultures, socialization” and “modes, spaces and socialization process.”

In gestation since 1955 in the wake of Economy and Humanism – the association of Father Lebret – the Research Center for Sociological Applied Studies of the Loire, the CRESAL, was created in 1958. It hosts its rapidly among economists and sociologists, with some influence of the Catholic circles. A vocation applied, it acts first as a social engineering association in answering the control of the city of Saint-Etienne studies and state administrations on the household budget, attendance and travel in the capital city of the Loire or the surrounding countryside, infrastructure, and the delimitation of the regional park of Pilat, the taxi trade and gradually research at national vocation. It is associated with CNRS, Research Team as Partner in 1974. In 1982, its members become officers. The CRESAL consists in the 1990s ten holders working around the social question, the identity of the industrial economy and the environment. At the request of the CNRS, he joins the GLYSI-SAFA in 2007 and became the MODYS.

The GLYSI (Lyonnais Groupe Industrial Sociology) was founded in the Economy and Humanism Association, where he began to exist as a group did in the early 1970s founded survey, published under the title Three workshops OS (Bernoux, Motte, Saglio, 1973), took place from October 1969 to mid-1971. The GLYSI, became CNRS team in 1976, along with the GRS, has kept its orientation in sociology of work and industrial relations attracting researchers, young or established (as Jean Bunel). He lived in Economics and Humanism until 1981, when the two groups – activists and researchers – have separated because of their different conceptions of the purposes of research. The Lyon 2 University then hosted researchers, on the site of Bron first, then from 1985 to the House Rhône-Alpes Human Sciences (MRASH) newly created. P. Bernoux GLYSI was the director from 1980 to 1992; J. Saglio successor, R. Bernard, C. and B. Giraud Ganne until reunification in 2007 in the MODYS led by AD Rabier. In the 1990s, the GLYSI, became GLYSI-SAFA (Sociologies and Anthropologies of Action Forms) has expanded its areas of study, initially focused on the analysis of labor and industry organizations, to be interested in to other types of organizations (SMEs, governments), labor relations, logical and effects of internationalization, professional groups and institutions in a broad sense, the forms of action. Two anthologies private and public Universe. Dynamic reconfigurations (Giraud, Maurines (ed.), 2000), “hollow” social (Ganne et al, 2005) testify to the latter period.

The meeting of the three laboratories responded to a dual dynamic, institutional and scientific. Institutional in the will of national supervisory authorities (INSHS CNRS) and universities (Université Lumière Lyon 2, Jean Monnet University of Saint-Etienne and ENS Lyon) to see sociologists of Lyon Saint-Etienne region come together in a common unit ; scientist in the desire expressed by and to establish a national reference center sociology in Lyon and Saint Etienne. The Centre Max Weber was led from 2011 to 2014 by Jean-Hugues Carmelites.

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