This exhibition space was conceived in five stages: from the PERSISTENCE of the Franco regime to the ABSENCE of memory. The trivialized PERSISTENCE of the apparently indelible Francoism, with which we lived almost without repentance, but that disocvers one of the keys of the Orwellian dictatorship of the executioners. In the middle the GLAZES of the retired but recoverable Francoism.
The AMNESIAS that draw a true map of terror with which we live without realising, sometimes the best for those who had something to hide and for many that were forced to forget. The EXPROPRIATIONS of the meaning of places of sociability, institutions or spaces of coexistence, leisure or death; symbols of biopolitics or ways of thinking and living that national unionism and the dominant Catholicism were not willing to allow in their totalitarianism.
Finally the ABSENCE of meaning of spaces and places with a liberal and democratic matrix, of which the entire urban and rural territory is devastated by the coup and turned into a concentration camp, with its rod ends. A mental but not physical absence that now, eighty years later, could be recovered.
The traveling exhibition was displayed in Santiago de Compostela as a space for reflection about the symbology of Franco’s dictatorship in Galicia.
Curated by Lourenzo Fernández Prieto and Antonio Miguez Macho, by Histagra, it highlighted photographic reproductions of Francoist spaces and symbols that are still present in the public space as well as those that are forgotten by the citizens of Santiago de Compostela.
The interactive cartography reveals the places of death and burial in Galicia during the civil war. The opening of the exhibition took place January 23, 2020, and the exhibition was on display at the Paseo Central da Alameda until February 06, 2020.
Lourenzo Fernández Prieto
Antonio Miguez Macho
Gustavo Hervella García (Histagra)
Grupo HISTAGRA – Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
Jacobo Bujarín
Rexenerando S. Coop. Galega
Concello de Santiago de Compostela
Original idea and direction
Jordi Guixé and Núria Ricart
Graphic design
Gerard Miquel
Technical and artistic development
Núria Ricart and Violeta Bofarull
Marc Coromines
• Proyecto de Investigación: Actitudes sociales en contextos de violencia estatal masiva:procesos de adaptación y resiliencia en la retaguardia de la Guerra Civil española (Galicia, 1936-1939)(HAR2016-80359-P)
• Dos lugares da violencia aos lugares da memoria: actitudes sociais nos espazos de reclusión,execución e enterramento durante o Golpe, a Guerra Civil e o franquismo en perspectiva comparada (ED431F 2017/11)
Xabier Buxeiro Alonso
Aldara Cidrás Fuentes
Rafael García Ferreira
Conchi López Sánchez
Jessica Nogueira Castro
Telmo Otero Rodríguez