Hrant Dink Foundation

Hrant Dink Foundation

Hrant Dink Foundation was established after the assassination of Hrant Dink in front of his Armenian-Turkish newspaper AGOS in 2007, in order to avoid similar pains, to continue his legacy. Democracy and human rights for everyone regardless of their ethnic, religious,...
Fundació Solidaritat – Universitat de Barcelona

Fundació Solidaritat – Universitat de Barcelona

Fundació Solidaritat Universitat de Barcelona (University of Barcelona Solidarity Foundation) was jointly created by Món-3 Foundation and the University of Barcelona in 1996. Its mission is to apply the University policies in development aid and, as part of...
Fundació Cipriano García – CCOO de Catalunya

Fundació Cipriano García – CCOO de Catalunya

Cipriano García Foundation – CCOO in Catalonia is a private, non-profit organization created in 1992 by the National Working Committee of Catalonia, and its purposes: To promote, design and deliver training content and social union aimed at workers, their...
Filozofski fakultet u Rijeci – University of Rijeka

Filozofski fakultet u Rijeci – University of Rijeka

The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Rijeka has originated from a higher education institution named Higher Vocational School of Pedagogy (1953), as well as the Academies of Pedagogy in Rijeka (1960), Pula (1961) and Gospić (1963). The Higher Vocational...
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