Yahad In Unum

Yahad In Unum

Yahad – In Unum combines the Hebrew word – Yahad, meaning “together,” with the Latin phrase In Unum, meaning “in one.” Our organization seeks to unsilence a chapter of history that has remained silent for far too long. In the former Soviet Union, we seek out...
KZ-Gedenkstätte Mauthausen

KZ-Gedenkstätte Mauthausen

The Mauthausen concentration camp was the heart of a system of more than 40 satellite camps. Between 1938 and 1945, it was the central site of political and racial  persecution by the Nazi regime on Austrian territory. Of a total of 190,000 persons imprisoned here, at...
Fundació Cipriano García – CCOO de Catalunya

Fundació Cipriano García – CCOO de Catalunya

Cipriano García Foundation – CCOO in Catalonia is a private, non-profit organization created in 1992 by the National Working Committee of Catalonia, and its purposes: To promote, design and deliver training content and social union aimed at workers, their...
Universidad de Santiago de Compostela – Histagra

Universidad de Santiago de Compostela – Histagra

HISTAGRA (Agrarian History and Rural Politics in the 19th and 20th Centuries) is a research group of the University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain) created at the beginning of the 1980s but officially constituted in 2006.  During its first 25 years, it developed a...
Topographie des Terrors

Topographie des Terrors

Between 1933 and 1945, the central institutions of Nazi persecution and terror– the Secret State Police Office with its own “house prison,” the leadership of the SS and, during the Second World War, the Reich Security Main Office –  were located on the present-day...
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