Cipriano García Foundation – CCOO in Catalonia is a private, non-profit organization created in 1992 by the National Working Committee of Catalonia, and its purposes:
- To promote, design and deliver training content and social union aimed at workers, their representatives attend the nominations of the National Working Committee of Catalonia, affiliates and affiliates of the union.
- To promote reflection, study, research and investigation in connection with the culture and values ¿¿of social transformation defending National Working Commission of Catalonia and the principles set out in its statutes.
- Recover, treat, sort, store, preserve and disseminate the historical documentary of the National Workers Commission union of Catalonia, as well as documents related to the history of the labor movement in Catalonia, especially from the sixties.
- Promote the use of Catalan as a language of Catalonia and Aranese as the language of the Aran Valley.
According to the principles that advocates and defends the National Working Committee of Catalonia, the Foundation in carrying out its activities, should pay special attention to the effectiveness of equality between women and men.