- Forty teachers from Portugal and Spain will gather at the University of Barcelona for the fifth edition of the training seminar organized by the Memorial de la Shoah and the EUROM;
- The three-day programme will be developed in Spanish, Portuguese, and English in four conference sessions and five workshops with the aim of sharing contents, tools and best practices with and between the participants;
- The seminar will conclude with site visits to explore the history and memory of the Jewish community at the neighborhoods of Poble Sec (1920-2939) and the Gotic (Middle age and nowadays).
Cover picture: Inmates of the Rivesaltes camp, in front of the Children’s Aid barracks, waiting for lunch (1941-1942). ©USHMM (32285). The image is part of the online exhibition “Childhood in the European Wars”, developed by the project MIGRAID.
Histoire de l’anti-judaïsme
Pierre Savy, Ecole française de Rome
Presentation of the learning activity “Iberian Republicans in concentration camps Mauthausen”
Maria João Duarte, Gloria Garcia Vallecillos, Loranda Miletic
Didáctica del Holocausto a través de la cartografía
Jordi Barra
Barcelona, the Purgatory: the Sequerra brothers between Hell and Paradise
Maria João Duarte
Historia del esclavismo en España
Gustau Nerín
Trabajar la historia del esclavismo en el aula
Celeste Muñoz
A ficção narrativa e a representação do grande desastre humano
João Pinto Coelho
Herramientas para el trabajo con los testimonios
Noemí Riudor
Building up a common learning activity
Loranda Miletić
Esther Mucznik, Memoshoa
David Gonzalez Vazquez, EUROM
Miquel Albert Tarragona, Department of the Education for the Government of Catalonia
Vicenç Villatoro, Democratic Memorial of the Generalitat de Catalunya
Bruno Boyer, Mémorial de la Shoah