Online Memories. A Twitter data analysis

Memory conflicts on social media
  • The fourth report of the series “Online Memories” brings the analysis of Twitter data content related to three memorial commemorations that took place on the second half of 2020;
  • It includes the second analysis of the “Day of Remembrance for Victims of Totalitarian Regimes” (August 23rd) and incorporates data from the “Day of Hispanicity” (October 12th), which reveals to have a huge international impact on social networks following #BlackLivesMatter and the iconoclastic phenomena that occurred in Europe and America against the statues of Columbus and other colonisers;
  • The report also offers a first approach to the “Day of Remembrance for Victims of the Franco Regime” (October 31st),  a new celebration that seeks to establish a memory of the  Spanish dictatorship, escaping the rhetoric of reconciliation and comparison.

The social significance surrounding these events, their reconstructions and attributions, are part of the sociology of our societies; they act as a catalyst for the conflicts that take place in a historical logic and they can be a double-edged sword in their resolutions.


Texts: Celeste Muñoz Martínez
Data collection: Mariluz Congosto



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