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Integrated Approaches to Europe’s Dissonant Heritage

Insights, Networks, and Future Perspectives
  • The EUROM participates in the online forum “Integrated Approaches to Europe’s Dissonant Heritage organized by the Federal Ministry for Housing, Urban Development and Building (BMWSB) and the Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development (BBSR) in the framework of the Experimental Residential Construction and Urban Development (ExWoSt) programme;
  • The event will gather experts of the working group which has been working intensively on the topic since 2020 as part of the Urban Agenda for the EU, will present and reflect on its results and strategic recommendations.

Which future perspectives exist for dissonant heritage sites in Europe?

The dissonant heritage of the 20th century is under discussion all over Europe. This Online Forum offers the space to talk and have an exchange about integrated approaches to the dissonant heritage in smaller towns and remote areas:

How can integrated approaches develop the potential of dissonant heritage sites for society, for tourism and for urban and regional development and make them usable in the long term, e.g. as places of local civic participation and democracy building? Current nationalist narratives, post-colonial and provenance debates prove the relevance of actively dealing with dissonant heritage in Europe, e.g. from totalitarian regimes, wars and conflicts.

A working group of European experts, which has been working intensively on the topic since 2020 as part of the Urban Agenda for the EU, will present and reflect on its results and strategic recommendations. The event aims to raise attention for European networks and associations and offers them the possibility to connect and expand. A marketplace will offer opportunities for exchange and networking on good practice experiences (e.g. on funding for dissonant heritage), the search for partners and ideas for cooperation.

The event aims to raise attention for European networks and associations and offers them the possibility to connect and expand. A market place will present opportunities for exchange and networking on good practice experiences (e.g. on funding for dissonant heritage), the search for partners and ideas for cooperation.

The Action “Integrated Approaches to Dissonant Heritage” invites European institutions, international experts, researchers and local practitioners to the Online Forum to further develop and deepen perspectives for this cross-cutting issue. This exchange contributes to the Partnership on Culture and Cultural Heritage in the Urban Agenda for the EU: In eleven so-called Actions, it develops policy recommendations for better funding, better regulation and better knowledge for the EU.

The Online Forum is organised by the Federal Ministry for Housing, Urban Development and Building (BMWSB) and the Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development (BBSR) in the framework of the Experimental Residential Construction and Urban Development (ExWoSt) programme. The event will take place in English, is free of charge and is open to a broad European audience.


Feb 16–17, 2022
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