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Museums and Cultural Landscapes: building up a Cultural Heritage

ICOM General Conference - ICMEMO 2016

Full report on the conference available here.

Every three years, ICOM’s General Conference gathers the international museum community around a theme chosen by museum professionals. This year’s conference in Milan will include the Annual Conference of the International Committee of Memorial Museums in Remembrance of the Victims of Public Crimes (IC MEMO), co-organized by EUROM and ICOMAM (International Committee for Museums of Arms and Military History).

Session 5, organized with the collaboration of EUROM, will take place at Casa della Memoria and will count with presentations of MUME (Catalonia), Museo Memoria y Tolerancia (México), NIOD Institute for War, Holocaust and Genocide Studies (Netherlands) and the Maidan Museum (Kyiv) among others.

Museums and Cultural Landscapes building up a Cultural Heritage

Monday, 4th July
14h – 18h
Memory of Dictatorships in Latin America, Eastern Europe and Post-Soviet States

Tuesday, 5th July
11h – 18h
The Ethical and Educational Issue of Dark TourismJoint session with ICOMAM

Wednesday, 6th July
11h30 – 13h
ICMEMO Membership Meeting

14h40 – 18h
Reproducibility of memorial heritage, Challenges and Debates
Joint session with EUROM

Thursday, 7th July
Site visits to Ex-Campo Fossoli, Museo del Deportato and Ex-Sinagoga in Carpi

Friday, 8th July
Site visit to Museo Diffuso della Resistenza di Torino


July 4th - 9th, 2016


Piazzale Carlo Magno, 1
Milano – Italy

Casa della Memoria Milano
Via Federico Confalonieri 14, 20124 Milano

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