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Feminist memories. Lives, women, prison

Online dialogue
  • Many Spanish women faced exile and prison during Francoism for defending feminist and republican values;
  • This online dialogue proposes an approach to the lives of some of those women throughout recent biographical works carried out by the activists’ of the platform Future Monument Women’s Prison of Les Corts, the historian Nadia Varo and the filmmaker Carolina Astudillo.
  • The event will take place on the Youtube channel of the EUROM and will be moderated by Nuria Ricart, professor of the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Barcelona and co-author of the Monument to the Prison of Les Corts.

The historian Nadia Varo will present her book “Laia Berenger Puget. La Presó o el Poble? Activisme i repressió en guerra i dictadura“, published by the Associació Catalana d’Expresos del Franquisme. The filmmaker Carolina Astudillo will introduce “The sound of waves” (El rumor de las olas), an unpublished movie piece based on life fragments of Maria Salvo, Carme Claramunt and Julia Romera who were imprisoned at Les Corts during the dictatorship. The event will also include the participation of activists of the platform Future Monument Women’s Prison of Les Corts who contribute to the project Wikidones with articles about the lives of those anti-Francoist women.

The chat will be open to audience participation during the streaming.

Co-organized by Plataforma Futur Monument Presó de Dones de les Corts; EUROM (European Observatory on Memories – Fundació Solidaritat UB); Art Públic i Memòria (HAR2017-84322-P); Associació Catalana Ex-presos Polítics del Franquisme.


March 9, 2021




8M | Feminism | Les Corts | Women
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