Exilio, an original production by EUROM and Voodoo Productions, will be performed at the former prison La Model as part of the parallel program for the Top Generation Witnesses exhibition. The show seamlessly blends sound, word, and image to document the profound experiences of forced displacement. It stands as a powerful testament to the strength, resilience, and creativity of those uprooted from their homelands.
Since its debut in 2020, the performance has captivated over 2,000 audience members across Spain, France, and Germany, offering a profound reflection on the enduring human spirit in times of upheaval.
Admission is free, but prior registration is required. SOLD OUT!
Optional pre-show activity:
At 6:30 PM, attendees will be able to make an optional visit to La Model Espai Memorial and the exhibition Top Generation Witnesses.
- Àlex Brendemühl, actor
- Nora Buschmann, solo guitarrist
- Lalo Garcia, show direction and audiovisuals
- Txell Sabartés, production
Press kit
“Exilio”, An Original Production by EUROM and Voodoo Productions