80th anniversary of the Spanish Republican exile. Imprints in Latin America and the Caribbean

Call for papers · International Colloquium

This international colloquium is part of a series of activities on the 80th anniversary of the Spanish Republican Exile organized by the Association of Latin American and Caribbean Historians (ADHILAC). The aim of these activities is to promote new approaches to the study of the topic from a multidisciplinary perspective, highlighting the plurality of experiences of the exiles and their contexts, as well as the diversity of displaced groups (children, workers, peasants, professionals, intellectuals, politicians and others), together with the variety of origins and destinies in Latin America and the Caribbean. It will take pace form March 27 to 29, 2019, in La Habana(Cuba) and the call for papers is open until March 15, 2019.

Suggested issues:

  • The Republica and the Spanish Civil War: the Hispanic conditions of the Republican exile
  • Europe before the Spanish conflict: governments, political movements, and social mobilization
  • The Latin American and Caribbean countries in the late 1930s and early 1940s: the repercussions of the Spanish Civil War in Latin America
  • Repercussions in Latin America and the Caribbean of the Spanish Civil War
  • The colonies of Hispanic immigrants in Latin America before the Spanish Civil War
  • The Republican and Francoist policies regarding the Republican emigration and its diverse destinies
  • Individual and collective characteristics of the Republican emigration and its diverse destinies
  • Narratives, testimonies, identity, and memory of the Spanish Republican Exile
    and Cultural imprint of the Republican exiles: Latin American and Caribbean magazines and publications of the Republican exiles
  • The imaginary of the Spanish Republican exile
  • The great personalities of the Republican exile and their print in Latin America and the Caribbean
  • The media and PR in the creation of a stereotype of the Republican exile
  • The role of women in the Spanish Republican Exile

Academic Committee

Dr. Adalberto Santana, Dr. Sergio Guerra Vilaboy, Dra. Mari Carmen Serra Puche, Dr. Jorge Elías Caro, Dr. Oscar Zanetti Lecuona, Dr. Mario Oliva Medina, Dr. Arturo Sorhegui D’Mares, Dr. José Francisco Mejía, Dra. Dolo- res Guerra López, Dr. Yoel Cordoví Núñez, Dr. Lancelot Cowie, Dr. Agustín Sánchez Andrés, Mtro. Rene Villaboy Zaldívar, Mtro. Rene González Barrios, Dr. Jordi Guixe Corominas, Mtro. David González Vázquez y Mtra. Guiomar Acevedo López.

The colloquium is dedicated to the Asturian professor Dra. Aurea Matilde Fernández Muñíz, Professor Emeritus of the University of Havana and National Award of Social Sciences who died in December of 2017, whose family was part of the Spanish Republican exile.

Those interested in formalizing their registration must send a summary of the paper, no more than one page long and in electronic format, to the organizers of the Colloquium before March 15, 2019. The registration fee will be 50.00 CUC. (Cuban convertible currency) for foreigners and of equal amount in CUP for Cubans. Members of ADHILAC, who are up to date on their quotation, can pay a half registration fee.

Accreditation, both for speakers and observers, will be done on the first day of the event.

During the event, the speakers must submit in electronic form the full text of their work, which should not exceed 10 pages, as the speakers will only have 15 minutes to present their work.

Access to Cuba can be done through the tourism agencies that usually make trips to Cuba.

For any additional information, as well as for registration, please contact the coordinators of the colloquium Dr. Sergio Guerra Vilaboy ([email protected]), and Dr. Oscar Zanetti Lecuona ([email protected]). 

History Department of the University of Havana
Fernando Ortiz House, in L and 27, number 160, El Vedado, Havana, Cuba
+53 78323200
+53 78307328


Other Institutions Involved

Departamento de Historia de la Universidad de La Habana, el Proyecto de Investigación PAPINT 16400117 “Dinámica de los exilios en Iberoamérica” (CIALC, UNAM), la Cátedra del Exilio UNAM, el Instituto de Estudios Latino- americanos (IDELA) de la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica, el Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas de la Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, el proyecto PAPIIT 14301819 “Exilios españoles desde Latinoamérica. Nuevas perspectivas históricas y de investigación”, el European Observatory on Memories de la Fundació Solidaritat de la Universitat de Barcelona, el Centro de Estudios de América Latina de la Universi-

dad de West Indies, el Instituto de Historia de Cuba y la Oficina del Historiador de la Ciudad de La Habana

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