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About Us

The European Observatory on Memories is a transnational network of institutions and organizations committed to the analysis and promotion of public policies of memory. It aims to reflect on the recent history of the struggle for democracy and freedom in Europe, advocating for a plurality of memories, and contributing to a more, solidarity, tolerant and inclusive society. The EUROM is led by the University of Barcelona’s Solidarity Foundation since 2012. It is supported by the European Commission throughout the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) Programme (since 2021) and the Europe for Citizens Programme (2014-2020).


Our mission is to address the diverse and, sometimes, conflictive memories from a historical perspective, analysing them through transnational work. 

Our work aims to provide European citizens with tools for critical knowledge of the present based on the memory of the past; to contribute to a greater knowledge of crimes against humanity committed in the past; to increase a common European conscience based on the respect  for human rights; to engage citizens, scholars and decision makers in the development of memory policies; to reflect about the roots of current discrimination based on gender, origin, religion and social class from a historical perspective in order to achieve greater equality.

The mission, vision and the general objectives of the University of Barcelona’s Solidarity Foundation are set out in its statutes, in particular the article 5.1, which describes that the aims of the Foundation are promoting and carrying out: a) cooperative initiatives for sustainable development in the fields close to the University; b)  initiatives to promote the culture of peace and protection of human rights; c) initiatives in favour of the  sectors of society in situations of economic vulnerability, risk of social exclusion and poverty; d)  awareness raising initiatives in the university community about solidarity, tolerance, intercultural  dialogue and respect for diversity; e) initiatives to promote the historical and democratic remembrance,  by creating and maintaining an observation and transnational reflection group.

Sustainable Development Goals (ODS) of the 2030 Agenda

The Catalan university system has drawn up an action plan to achieve the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (ODS) of the 2030 Agenda, which the United Nations adopted in September 2015, with the aim of eradicating poverty , protect the planet and make human rights a reality for all people. The activities, projects and programs of the EUROM are aligned with the SDGs.



Jordi Guixè i Corominas


Director of the European Observatory on Memories and Adjunct Professor at the University of Barcelona. PhD in History from the University Paris III Sorbonne. His research focuses in the study and analysis of memory / remembrance policies in Europe and their relation to heritage, the forms of artistic expression in the public space as instruments for the transmission of memory, the analysis of the museographic discourses of interpretation centers and European museums, the European wars in the 20th century and the international relations and diplomacy. He has been a guest lecturer at several universities. He has previously been the head of Patrimony and Projects Area of the Democratic Memorial of the Generalitat de Catalunya. He is a member of a number of international institutional committees such as the International Committee of Memorial Museums (section of the International Council of Museums, ICOM) [vide-chairman], the council of the Institute of Present Pasts (Barcelona), the Centre d'Etudes et Recherche sur les Migrations Ibériques, the Memorha, Réseau de Mémoire in Rhône-Alpes or the Museum of Maternity in Elna.



Oriol Lopez-Badell is a historian and international relations officer, working as coordinator of the European Observatory on Memories (EUROM) at University of Barcelona Solidarity Foundation. He has a long trajectory in promoting international networking in the academic and institutional fields. Currently, he is in charge of programming joint activities with foreign partners and keeping relations with international organizations. Oriol is also active in research and dissemination of cultural and memorial heritage, having curated several exhibitions and public events linked to the history of the city of Barcelona in recent years. He obtained a graduate degree in History and postgraduate studies in History and Communication by the University of Barcelona. He also studied at the University of Hull in the UK, and he was visiting scholar at the Alliance for Historical Dialogue and Accountability program at Columbia University in New York.



Project officer at the European Observatory on Memories (EUROM). He holds a PhD on Modern History, a master’s degree on Historical Studies and a master’s degree on Historical Culture and Communications at the University of Barcelona. His research focuses on the social processes around the representations of the past in the public space and its political uses. He previously worked as a project officer of the heritage department and publications of the Memorial Democràtic of the Catalan Government and actually is also lecturer on History of the Contemporary World master’s degree at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC). He is the editor of Observing Memories and takes care about designing different international and national projects, its contents and development. He has written several articles and has collaborated in several collective publications, has participated in various conferences and seminars, and he is involved with local and civil society organization’s network related with the historical memory movement in Spain.



Postdoctoral Researcher at the UNED and project manager collaborator at European Observatory on Memories (EUROM), PhD by the Universityy of Barcelona. Her research focuses on the study of Spanish colonialism in Africa from a legal, political and memorial perspective and on colonial reparations. Her findings have been published in her dissertation thesis and in several papers on topics such as Franco's autocracy in Guinea, colonial violence, legal pluralism in Africa, migrations and the problematization of colonial sources. Furthermore, her research has also been presented at various international conferences and has been widely disseminated to both specialized and general audiences in a variety of media. Additionally, she has participated in many research projects, including a study on colonial heritage in museums led by the FSUB and the University of Barcelona.



A project officer at the European Observatory on Memories (EUROM) since 2018, PhD on heritage education and Adjunct professor at the University of Gerona. Between 2014 and 2017, he worked at the Educational Service of the Exile Memorial Museum (MUME) in La Jonquera (Spain). He has been a lecturer in several international conferences and a member of the research group Didactics of Heritage of the Faculty of Education of the University of Barcelona, and has collaborated in many research projects on tourism, education and memory studies. His research focuses on the sites of memory from a multidisciplinary approach, linking touristic and educational perspectives.



Journalist and communications professional with a cross-functional career in transnational environments. Since 2015, she has been in charge of press, communications and social media strategies at the European Observatory on Memories. An expert in Economics, Gender and Communication Studies (PUC-RS, UFRGS, and UAB), she has collaborated in traditional and digital media, and has been managing social media strategies focused on content curatorship and audience development since 2001. Her experience includes audiovisual production, script and realization; news reporter and editor on television, radio and printed press; research and training on communications; and collaborations with local and regional public administrations, feminist and media networks, and NGO's.

Xavier López Arnabat

Director, University of Barcelona Solidarity Foundation

Director of the Solidarity Foundation of the University of Barcelona (FSUB) and of the NGO Foundation Mon-3, First Vice-President of the Catalan Federation of NGOs. With a BA in History and Geography, he is also a professor of the Master in Globalization, Development and Cooperation at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Barcelona and a delegated member of the advisory council of the Institute of Intercultural Studies of the Universidad Javeriana de Calí (Colombia) representing the University of Barcelona. Since 1986, he has been involved in numerous cooperation projects focusing on maintaining ecosystems in urban and periurban areas and designing productive farms for social inclusion, primarily in Africa and Latin America.

Àngels Cerdà

Technical Services

As the Secretary to the Director and administrative staff member, she holds the responsibility for office management and logistics at the Solidarity Foundation of the University of Barcelona (FSUB). Working closely with project coordinators and officers, she ensures the smooth operation of our activities by handling travel and service arrangements, contracts, and other necessary tasks. With an extensive understanding of the internal structure of the University of Barcelona, she also maintains direct communication with the members of the FSUB's Board of Trustees.

Pau Cantos Perea

Project Manager

As the Project Manager for Public Administration at FSUB, he brings extensive experience in managing and providing technical support to local, supra-municipal, and national administrations. He is highly skilled in the development of international cooperation and transformative education programs and projects aimed at promoting global citizenship. Currently, his primary focus is on overseeing the project cycle at FSUB, utilizing a strong understanding of the requirements for successful project management in the public sector.

Adriana Peonia Iwasita Rodríguez

Financial and budget control

Having graduated in Business Administration and Management, she has built a long and stable professional career specializing in technical project follow-up. Her expertise lies in budget monitoring, reviewing and correcting economic deviations, preparing annual and final reports for international Cooperation Projects for Development and Education for Development. Additionally, she possesses in-depth knowledge in handling State subsidies and European Union funding projects.


Nuria Ricart Ulldemolins
Josep Calvet
Andrea Carrera