- “Youth and Memory activism” is a joint project led by Asociació Comnèixer Història and funded by the European Commission with the aim of boosting the relevance of youth in collective remembrance and memory politics;
- One of the results of the project will be a policy brief elaborated by the EUROM in collaboration with the participants of the workshops that took place in 2021 and 2022 in Sarajevo, Nicosia, and Barcelona;
- Besides reflecting on exchange experiences carried out by the project, the document will incorporate the results of the online survey promoted by the partners;
- The survey is available in English, Catalan, Spanish, and in Bosnian-Croatian-Serbian and is open until April 17, 2022.
- It is addressed to anyone from 16 to 30 years old.
English >>>
This short survey is intended to find out what young in Europe think about the usefulness of learning from the past when addressing present conflicts. It also aims to know the willingness of young people to participate in remembrance projects. The survey is part of the project “Youth and Memory Activism” (You&Me) developed by different organizations from Spain, Cyprus and Bosnia Herzegovina with the support of the European Commission.
Català >>>
Aquesta breu enquesta té l’objectiu de saber què pensen els joves d’Europa sobre la utilitat d’aprendre del passat a l’hora d’abordar els conflictes actuals. També pretén conèixer la voluntat dels joves de participar en projectes de memòria històrica. L’enquesta forma part del projecte “Youth and Memory Activism” (You&Me) desenvolupat per diferents organitzacions d’Espanya, Xipre i Bòsnia i Hercegovina, amb el suport de la Comissió Europea.
Español >>>
Esta breve encuesta tiene el objetivo de saber qué piensan los jóvenes de Europa sobre la utilidad de aprender del pasado a la hora de abordar los conflictos actuales. También pretende conocer la voluntad de los jóvenes de participar en proyectos de memoria histórica. La encuesta forma parte del proyecto “Youth and Memory Activism” (You & Me) desarrollado por diferentes organizaciones de España, Chipre y Bosnia-Herzegovina, con el apoyo de la Comisión Europea.
Bosanski/Hrvatski/Srpski >>>
Ova kratka anketa je stvorena sa namerom da saznamo šta mladi ljudi u Evropi misle o relevantnosti učenja prošlosti kada pričamo o konfliktima u sadašnjosti. Isto tako ima cilj da saznamo više o želji i volji mladih ljudi da učestvuju u projektima sjećanja. Anketa je dio projekta Youth and Memory Activism (You&Me) stvorena u suradnji različitih organizacija iz Španije, Kipra i Bosne i Hercegovine podržano od strane European Comission.