The International Committee of Memorial and Human Rights Museums (ICMEMOHRI) is one of ICOM’s 31 International Committees. Founded during ICOM’s general Conference in Barcelona on 3 July 2001 as IC-MEMO, in 2023 it was re-named as ICMEMOHRI. In a world...
Fundació Solidaritat Universitat de Barcelona (University of Barcelona Solidarity Foundation) was jointly created by Món-3 Foundation and the University of Barcelona in 1996. Its mission is to apply the University policies in development aid and, as part of...
Since its establishment in 1991 in direct opposition with the communist party education, the Faculty of Political Science at the University of Bucharest (FSPUB) has promoted an open perspective on society through innovative curricula in English, French and Romanian,...
The past is not what it once was. This is a graffiti used as a title for a book on historical methodology written by a Norwegian historian. The past is a point of orientation for individuals as well as for communities in the present. Memories, material objects and...
The past is not what it once was. This is a graffiti used as a title for a book on historical methodology written by a Norwegian historian. The past is a point of orientation for individuals as well as for communities in the present. Memories, material objects and...
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