Editorial #6

Cover picture: Wall painting “Human lives, migrant lives” (La Model, 2022),
produced by the students of the Art Baccalaureate of La Industrial High School in Barcelona within the transversal workshop “Historical memory, Rap and Graffiti” organized by the EUROM in collaboration with
the popular school Versembrant.

The painting has been coordinated by the urban artist Lucas Vico and was developed in parallel with the hip hop and rap music workshops the students went through in November and December 2021.

Issue #4: Editorial

The work of memory is a process. The conclusions of comparative examples and theoretical cases help us – or should help us – to learn from history and its memorial transmission and apply new formulas that draw on more and better engagement from our fellow citizens. This is the engagement that guides our actions, research and efforts to mobilize professional academic processes in and with society in order to build collective memory. The challenge is to hold onto the tension between the varying scales and dimensions of such a process or processes. And this is precisely what we want to share in the present issue of Observing Memories. The aim of our journal is to reflect, learn and share knowledge, but always with a multifaceted engagement from all quarters.