Editorial #8

This edition highlights issues like the Samudaripen/Porrajmos memorialisation, transnational heritage projects, and Argentina’s ESMA Memory Site Museum. Through diverse articles and reviews, we explore the role of archives, cultural heritage, and multidisciplinary approaches to memory. We remain committed to fostering critical reflection and collaborative action for a more just society.

“Memory studies are a fruitful site to think citizenship beyond the bounds of nation-states”

Social networks are just that – networks – webs of transmission that intersect and overlap. Memory also circulates through webs and networks, as different groups define themselves and their identities according to certain understandings of the past, understandings that can conflict with those of other groups. When versions of the recollected past are built and circulate through social media, they are supported by the likes and dislikes, the agreements and disagreements that these platforms enable.

Travelling memory of the Holocaust “Auschwitz: Not long ago. Not far away”

An exhibition that aspires to spread the history of a place as cruelly unique as Auschwitz | Picture: David GonzĂĄlez, EUROM. By David GonzĂĄlez VĂĄzquez, Assistant professor at the Department of Applied Didactics of the University of Barcelona, project manager at EUROM September 2018, Madrid. The second extension of the Exhibition “Auschwitz: Not long ago. …

Time, Memory and History. At the crossroads of European Memory. By Henry Rousso

Henry Rousso Senior researcher at the Institut d’Histoire du Temps PrĂ©sent (CNRS, Paris) Version reviewed and corrected by the author For an extended reading check also: Rousso, Henry. Face au passĂ©. Essais sur la mĂ©moire contemporaine, Paris, Belin, 2016 The need to understand the past and provide a collective representation of history is anything but …