Reparation for colonialism? The long road to historical justice in Spain
Celeste Muñoz, historian, professor at the UNED and EUROM collaborator; Sarai Martín, anthropologist, University of Barcelona
Celeste Muñoz, historian, professor at the UNED and EUROM collaborator; Sarai Martín, anthropologist, University of Barcelona
La asignatura pendiente. La memoria histórica democrática en los libros de texto escolares Javier Díez Gutiérrez and Enrique Javier. Madrid: Plaza y Valdés. 2020. Reviwed by David González, project manager at the EUROM Although the book in front of us saw the light of day in 2020, it is the outcome of many years of …
Each remembrance process has its own unique characteristics, and it is essential not to confuse or mix concepts; however, the globalization of memory can be used as a tool for truth, justice and reparation to establish parallels and affinities and thus enrich our analysis of each process.