The International Committee of Memorial and Human Rights Museums (ICMEMOHRI) is one of ICOM’s 31 International Committees. Founded during ICOM’s general Conference in Barcelona on 3 July 2001 as IC-MEMO, in 2023 it was re-named as ICMEMOHRI. In a world...
The History Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina is a unique cultural institution in Bosnia and Herzegovina which has become a space for dialogue about the past and different aspects of remembrance. The museum develops different programs and activities in order to help...
Fundació Solidaritat Universitat de Barcelona (University of Barcelona Solidarity Foundation) was jointly created by Món-3 Foundation and the University of Barcelona in 1996. Its mission is to apply the University policies in development aid and, as part of...
The Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum was created by an act of the Polish parliament on July 2, 1947, and includes the grounds of two extant parts of the Auschwitz I and Auschwitz II-Birkenau concentration camps. The Museum grounds cover 191 hectares, of which 20 are at...
The third training seminar organized in the framework of our partnership with the Mémorial de la Shoah is addressed to high school teachers interested in sharing pedagogical experiences about the transmission of the history and memory of genocides and mass atrocities....
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