About the complexity of the past

Interview with Enzo Traverso, Cornell University. The historian Enzo Traverso, a professor at the Cornell University (USA), is one of the most distinguished specialists in memory studies. In the following pages he answers a series of questions focusing on the memory of the perpetrators and their legacies, the current rise of new far-right movements and …

Once victors, now victims. How do the Argentine military remember their recent past?

Picture: Operativo Independencia, to dismantle the ERP. Tucumán, Argentina (1975) | Public domain By Valentina Salvi, an assistant researcher at CIS-CONICET / IDES. Associate Professor of Social Theory “Georg Simmel” of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Buenos Aires and of Sociology of Culture of the Department of Art and Culture of the …

Issue #2: Editorial

Cover picture: View from the bedroom, Hospedería Santa Cruz, Valley of the Fallen (Cuelgamuros) | Silvia Marimon, 2018. By Jordi Guixé, director of the European Observatory on Memories (EUROM) of the University of Barcelona’s Solidarity Foundation A year ago we published the first issue of Observing Memories, a digital magazine that aimed to offer a …

The one who sows wind, reaps storms. Validity of the Damnatio memoriae

Picture: Detail of the penitentiary file of Celestino García Moreno, peasant of Morata de Tajuña, shot on June 14, 1939, in the walls of the East Madrid cemetery | quieneseran.blogspot By Fernando Hernández Holgado, associate professor at the Department of Contemporary History of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid   A historical note Madrid was one …

Festive Spaces, 2016

Picture: Frame of Festive Spaces.     Video and text by Kristina Norman, artist The video performance Festive Spaces (2016) was originally commissioned by Annely Porri for the exhibition Silence. Darkness. – If we know what was, do we know what will come? The show was on display at the Tallinn Art Hall in autumn …