Whatever happened to all the heroes?

Keith Lowe, Writer and historian, th author of Prisionieros de la historia: Monumentos y Segunda Guerra Mundial (Galaxia Gutenburg, 2021)
Keith Lowe, Writer and historian, th author of Prisionieros de la historia: Monumentos y Segunda Guerra Mundial (Galaxia Gutenburg, 2021)
Claudia Wasserman, PhD in Social History (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro – UFRJ), Professor of History at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), CNPQ Researcher, member of Luppa
Clémentine Deliss, Global Humanities Professor in History of Art at the University of Cambridge, Guest Professor at Städelschule, Frankfurt, and Associate Curator at KW Institute for Contemporary Art Berlin
Interview with Andreas Huyssen, Villard Professor of German
and Comparative Literature at Columbia University and
an essential reference in the field of memory studies.
Cover picture: Wall painting “Human lives, migrant lives” (La Model, 2022),
produced by the students of the Art Baccalaureate of La Industrial High School in Barcelona within the transversal workshop “Historical memory, Rap and Graffiti” organized by the EUROM in collaboration with
the popular school Versembrant.
The painting has been coordinated by the urban artist Lucas Vico and was developed in parallel with the hip hop and rap music workshops the students went through in November and December 2021.
Summary of the 6th issue
Marie-Louise Jansen. Director of Contested Histories Project, Institute for Historical Justice & Reconciliation, Euroclio–European Association of History Educators
Georges Mink. Emeritus Director of Research in the Institute of Political Social Sciences at the French National Centre for Scientific Research (ISP-CNRS), European Civilization and History Chair, dedicated to the memory of Prof. Bronislaw Geremek (College of Europe, Natolin, Poland)
Reed Brody, Human rights lawyer and author of To Catch a Dictator: The Pursuit and Trial of Hissène Habré.
Elma Hašimbegović, director of the History Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina, take the readers on a VIP tour to this unique institution