The “Centre de Recherche sur les Sociétés et les Environnements Méditerranéens” (CRESE) aims to organize and promote disciplinary and interdisciplinary high level research, affecting a broad set of scientific fields. The theme “Societies and Environments” makes it possible for researchers in Arts, Literature and Languages, Humanities and Social Sciences, Law and Economics to be in the 5 strategic areas of research development at the University of Perpignan Via Domitia, to work with other areas of the site search such as ecology, environmental pollution, marine biodiversity, “green” chemistry, sustainable development, renewable energy, while developing an approach to their specific strategic axis, focused on the Mediterranean cultures, territories and Heritage.
Université de Perpignan Via Domitia – CRESEM

Around the cross-cutting theme “Societies and Environments” internal disciplinary teams have developed a program in conjunction with the 5 following transversal axes: Texts / Identities / Standards / Territories / Heritage.