Shamir Association – Riga Ghetto and Latvia Holocaust Museum


The Association Shamir is active in the field of the Jewish ethnic identity and Latvian Jewish cultural and historical heritage preservation, research and promotion. It main goal is the promotion of dialogue between communities and ethnic groups throughout integration and the promotion of tolerance, non-discrimination and cross-cultural dialogue. It aims to keep the memory of the tragedy of European Jewry through the respect to the victims and responding to Holocaust deniers. Various groups of the society participate in the activities of Association.

The project is officially recognized as a national project by Latvian Authorities. Riga is a unique place for studying the history of the Holocaust and one of its objectives is to make it one of the leading spots of Holocaust Education in Europe.

The Riga Ghetto district have not changed too much since the beginning of the 20th century, and the same houses – either destroyed, neither reconstructed – are standing on the same places. It makes possible to combine academic knowledge with individual psycho-emotional experience of seeing untouched traces of history. Almost destroyed during the Holocaust and hiding during the Soviet occupation Latvian Jewish community is active and developing, and Riga’s Jewish community have been taken as a symbol of resurgent Jewry in Europe.

Riga Ghetto and Latvian Holocaust Museum – Founded in 2010, it reached 70.000 visits in 2016. Its main goal is to present the story of Riga Ghetto and Jewish life in Latvia before the Holocaust. The museum strives to preserve the lessons of the past and helps to build a future filled with more kindness, compassion and tolerance.

European International Tolerance Center” – Created in 2013, its main goal is the promotion of scientific research and educational activities related to the history of the Holocaust and contemporary issues of tolerance, to contributing to the dialogue between nations in order to prevent conflicts.

Educational program “The school of the Holocaust” – A project focused on history and social sciences teachers from Latvia and nearby countries, to spread the knowledge about Jewish culture and history, the Holocaust, and to help them on the task of teaching about tolerance and non-discrimination.

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