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International Committee of Memorial and Human Rights Museums – ICMEMOHRI


The International Committee of Memorial and Human Rights Museums (ICMEMOHRI) is one of ICOM‘s 31 International Committees. Founded during ICOM’s general Conference in Barcelona on 3 July 2001 as IC-MEMO, in 2023 it was re-named as ICMEMOHRI.

In a world where democratic values are being forsaken and oppression is a daily occurrence and in recognition of the violation of human rights as a precursor to crimes against humanity,  ICMEMOHRI aims to foster a responsible memory of history in the interests of peace, remembrance, and reflection through commemorating the victims of State, socially determined, and ideologically motivated crimes.


The aims of IC-MEMOHRI are to foster a responsible memory of history and to further cultural cooperation through education and through using knowledge in the interests of peace, which is also a key goal of UNESCO.Goals

I. support ICOM‘s aims and objectives, in particular with reference to the sector of Memorial Museums for Public Crimes against Humanity;

II. contribute to the development and implementation of ICOM‘s program;

III. formulate and carry out a program of activities related to places commemorating the victims and the consequences of state or public violations of human rights and using methods and techniques of museums;

IV. provide a forum for communication, co-operation and information exchange, between museums, professional museum workers and others concerned with Memorial Museums for Public Crimes against Humanity;

V. provide advice to ICOM on Memorial Museums for Public Crimes against Humanityand be a source of professional expertise to assist in the implementation of ICOM‘s program;

VI. represent the interests of Memorial Museums for Public Crimes against Humanity within ICOM;

VII. co-operate with National Committees and Regional Organisations of ICOM and with other International Committees and Affiliated Organisations in matters related to the Committee´s specific mandate and to the broader interests of ICOM;

VIII. create and spread publications relating to the items connected with the Committee aims and area of interest;