Marina Ban, Asser Institute Abstract In the last decade, the Hungarian state has become the one of the symbols of the rise of right-wing populism in Europe. The self-proclaimed founder of the idea of ‘illiberal democracy’, the country’s public life and legal system has transformed since 2010. My paper intends to examine one specific area …
Luciana Rocchi, Universitá di Pisa 1. Pendant la conférence “The futur of memory”, organisée dans l’Université de Yale, l’historien Charles Maier avait anticipé une question: “Est-ce qu’on peut avoir un eccès de mémoire?”. La conférence remonte à 1992, beucoup d’années avant l’explosion d’un débat parmi les historiens et les institutions culturelles, avant les actes et …
Hibernation is more predictive than consequent. Frogs and other amphibians and reptiles use it as a form of protection during the winter to avoid freezing to death. External factors are decisive, but, above all, the attempt to self-protection is essential to prevent death. The risk is very high, but it is also a way to override …
Axis 1: Laws and politics of the past Rapporteur: Maria Chiara Bianchini Doctor in contemporary history and American studies by the Autonomous University of Madrid and the Università degli Studi di Roma Tre, her main area of reaserch is the expressions of the memory (s) in urban spaces and places. She is currently a postdoctoral researcher at …